Archived Why SERVPRO Blog Posts
Don't Let It Grow!
6/13/2022 (Permalink)
Mold Damage: What To Do If You're In A Hurry
After a natural disaster in Camarillo, CA, flooding can leave you with more than just a few puddles to clean up and some soggy carpet to dry out. Immediately after a flood, black mold can begin to breed in your home – and can spread alarmingly fast, until your entire house or apartment is infested. Treat mold cleanup like an emergency procedure, and immediately start remediation efforts to eliminate the possibility of mold taking root.
Immediate Response
There are a few things you should do immediately before beginning mold cleanup, including:
- Shutting off the HVAC systems; airflow causes mold spores to spread, and once they get into the home HVAC they can spread throughout the house
- Removing waterlogged items that can easily breed mold, particularly soaked furniture; the older the furniture it is, the more likely it is to be a breeding ground
- Inspecting your flooring; older, waterlogged wood and soaked carpet can become havens for black mold
Taking these initial emergency steps can go a long way to prevent immediate mold infestation, but this is only the first step in proper, careful mold cleanup.
Address Your Moisture Problem
A dry house is your best bet for a mold-free house. Standing water or moisture soaked into the interior of your home is asking for mold to take root. Thoroughly dry out your house, even if you have to bring in professionals who can use industrial equipment to dry the home without relying on airflow from fans, which – once again – is a double-edged sword because of the tendency to spread mold spores through airflow.
Keep a Close Eye Out
Don’t leave a single nook or cranny unexplored. Check for damage that may lead to water leaks from roofs or pipes. Be ready to consider the possibility that even if the house looks dry on the surface, you may have standing water inside the walls or moisture soaked into the sheetrock and insulation, with black mold already growing. Rapid response is the best response, but make sure to be thorough in your inspections as well.
Why Choose Certified: SERVPRO Clean?
1/20/2022 (Permalink)
Call SERVPRO® of Camarillo at 805-484-5009 to schedule a Certified: SERVPRO Clean today!
SERVPRO® of Camarillo is qualified to clean and properly apply disinfectants according to the CDC’s protocols.
Why Choose SERVPRO? We have over 50 years of experience in cleaning and disinfecting contaminants, including biohazards. We have trained professionals and the proper equipment to go beyond standard cleaning services. We also have training certifications in COVID-19 decontamination.
We clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces such as:
- Counters and tabletops
- Doorknobs
- Light switches
- Toilets & other bathroom fixtures (faucets, handrails, tubs & showers)
- Tablets, keyboards & other office (home or business) equipment
We also clean soft surfaces such as:
- Carpets & rugs
- Upholstered furniture
- Exercise mats
The CDC recommends cleaning and disinfecting the following areas:
Laundry such as clothing, towels, and linens
- Use the warmest appropriate water setting and dry items completely.
- It is safe to wash dirty laundry from a person who is sick with other people’s items.
- If handling dirty laundry from a person who is sick, wear gloves and a mask.
- Clean clothes hampers or laundry baskets according to guidance for surfaces.
- Wash hands after handling dirty laundry.
Electronics such as tablets, touch screens, keyboards, remote controls, and ATM machines
- Consider putting a wipeable cover on electronics, which makes cleaning and disinfecting easier.
- Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations for cleaning the electronic device.
- For electronic surfaces that need to be disinfected, use a product on EPA List Nexternal icon that meets manufacturer’s recommendations. Many of the products for electronics contain alcohol because it dries quickly.
Outdoor areas
- Spraying cleaning products or disinfectants in outdoor areas – such as on sidewalks, roads, or groundcover – is not necessary, effective, or recommended.
- High-touch surfaces made of plastic or metal, such as grab bars, play structures, and railings, should be cleaned regularly.
- Cleaning and disinfection of wooden surfaces (such as wood play structures, benches, tables) or groundcovers (such as mulch and sand) are not recommended.
Call SERVPRO® of Camarillo at 805-484-5009 to schedule a Certified: SERVPRO Clean today!
¿Por qué Certified: SERVPRO Clean?
1/20/2022 (Permalink)
¡Llame a SERVPRO® de Camarillo al 805-484-5009 para programar su Certified: SERVPRO Clean hoy!
SERVPRO® de Camarillo está calificado para limpiar y aplicar adecuadamente desinfectantes de acuerdo con los protocolos de los CDC.
¿Por qué elegir SERVPRO? Tenemos más de 50 años de experiencia en la limpieza y desinfección de contaminantes, incluidos los riesgos biológicos. Contamos con professionales capacitados y el equipo adecuado para ir más allá de los servicios de limpieza estándar. También contamos con certificaciones de capacitación en descontaminación COVID-19.
Limpiamos y desinfectamos superficies de alto contactocomo:
- Contadores y mesas
- Pomos
- Interruptores de luz
- Inodoros y otros accesorios de baño (grifos, pasamanos, bañeras y duchas)
- Tabletas, teclados y otros equipos de oficina (hogar o negocios)
También limpiamos superficies blandas como:
- Alfombras y tapetes
- Muebles tapizados
- Colchonetas de ejercicio
Los CDC recomiendan limpiar y desinfectar las siguientes áreas:
Lavandería como ropa, toallas y ropa de cama
- Use el ajuste de agua más caliente apropiado y seque los artículos por completo.
- Es seguro lavar la ropa sucia de una persona que está enferma con los artículos de otras personas.
- Si manipula ropa sucia de una persona que está enferma, use guantes y una máscara.
- Limpie los cestos de ropa o las cestas de lavandería de acuerdo con la guía para las superficies.
- Lávese las manos después de manipular la ropa sucia.
Electrónica como tabletas, pantallas táctiles, teclados, controles remotos y cajeros automáticos
- Considere poner una cubierta limpiable en los aparatos electrónicos, lo que facilita la limpieza y desinfección.
- Siga las instrucciones y recomendaciones del fabricante para limpiar el dispositivo electrónico.
- Para las superficies electrónicas que necesitan ser desinfectadas, use un producto en la Lista de la EPA que cumpla con las recomendaciones del fabricante. Muchos de los productos para productos electrónicos contienen alcohol porque se seca rápidamente.
Zonas exteriores
- La pulverización de productos de limpieza o desinfectantes en áreas al aire libre, como en aceras, carreteras o cubiertas de suelo, no es necesaria, efectiva ni recomendada.
- Las superficies de alto contacto hechas de plástico o metal, como barras de agarre, estructuras de juego y barandillas, deben limpiarse regularmente.
- No se recomienda la limpieza y desinfección de superficies de madera (como estructuras de juego de madera, bancos, mesas) o cubiertas de suelo (como mantillo y arena).
¡Llame a SERVPRO® de Camarillo al 805-484-5009 para programar su Certified: SERVPRO Clean hoy!
SERVPRO of Camarillo is Hiring!
12/7/2021 (Permalink)
We are looking for THE BEST to join our Family
We Love Working at SERVPRO of Camarillo! Want to Join Us?
Do you like a flexible work schedule? Steady pay? A work environment that appreciates your work, and values you as a team player?
We are looking for people who:
- Are hardworking, with a great attitude;
- Present themselves in a professional manner;
- Carry a valid driver's license, with a “clean” driving record;
- Are authorized to work in the USA;
- Can pass a Criminal Background Check with no felony convictions or misdemeanors involving violence or theft;
- Have availability to be on call, work some nights and weekends, based on need;
- Are Able to lift 30+ pounds;
- Can read and write;
- Are Quick Learners;
- Pay attention to detail; and
- Can follow directions and schedules correctly.
If you or someone you know is interested in starting their career with us, please call 805-484-5009 for more information or email your resume to or
SERVPRO of Camarillo is an independently owned and operated franchise of SERVPRO®. SERVPRO of Camarillo is an equal opportunity employer. For more information and job openings, please visit
SERVPRO de Camarillo está Contratando
12/7/2021 (Permalink)
¡Nos encanta trabajar en SERVPRO de Camarillo! ¿Quieres unirte a nosotros?
¿Te gusta un horario de trabajo flexible? ¿Salario estable? ¿Un ambiente de trabajo que aprecia tu trabajo y te valora como jugador de equipo?
Buscamos personas que:
- Son trabajadores, con una gran actitud;
- Presentarse de manera professional;
- Llevar una licencia de conducir válida, con un registro de manejo "limpio";
- Están autorizados para trabajar en los Estados Unidos;
- Puede pasar una verificación de antecedentes penales sin condenas por delitos graves o delitos menores que involucren violencia o robo;
- Tener disponibilidad para estar de guardia, trabajar algunas noches y fines de semana, según la necesidad;
- Son capaces de levantar más de 30 libras;
- Puede leer y escribir;
- Aprenden rápido;
- Preste atención a los detalles; y
- Puede seguir las instrucciones y horarios correctamente.
Si usted o alguien que conoce está interesado en comenzar su carrera con nosotros, llame al 805-484-5009 para obtener más información o envíe su currículum por correo electrónico a o
SERVPRO de Camarillo es una franquicia de propiedad y operación independiente de SERVPRO®. SERVPRO de Camarillo es un empleador de igualdad de oportunidades. Para obtener más información y ofertas de trabajo, visite
Do Camarillo Commercial Property Owners Have Options When Preparing for Disaster Restoration?
10/1/2021 (Permalink)
Are you ready for a disaster? Call SERVPRO of Camarillo at 805-484-5009 to set up your ERP TODAY!
ERP mobile app device
The answer to preparation and mitigation for structural damage from water, fire or mold to your Camarillo business is SERVPRO®'s ERP Plan
Work with SERVPRO® professionals to develop an Emergency READY Profile (ERP) for efficient property damage mitigation and remediation
Whether you own or manage a store, multi-family residential units, restaurants, schools, or other commercial property in Camarillo, the disruptive potential of fire, water, storm, or mold damage affects not only you and your business. Your employees, customers, and the community also feel the impact. With so many people and concerns at stake, it is crucial to make disaster recovery preparation a priority.
Should a Business Start from Scratch When Planning a Disaster Response?
Take advantage of SERVPRO®'s extensive experience in the commercial property damage restoration business and streamline disaster preparation in Camarillo. Our Emergency READY Profile Plan (ERP) has a proven track record, advantageously positioning countless firms to endure and thrive after natural or human-made crises with minimal disruptions and limited downtime. SERVPRO® has a robust framework ready to support your customized plan.
SERVPRO®'s most effective ERPs are collaborative efforts. To devise a personalized disaster preparation document, we must gain detailed information about your commercial property's physical plant and how your business works. During the creation of your ERP, expect the following:
On-site assessment by a seasoned SERVPRO® project manager
Memorialization of your commercial property's blueprint and instructive photos into digital form, available 24/7 for SERVPRO® crews
Discussion concerning your equipment, inventory, document storage, and day to day operations to protect them and devise ways to maintain a viable business presence during restoration efforts
Recommendations for changes or adaptations aimed at disaster prevention and damage limitation if a problem occurs
Communication of an overall damage response plan agenda, including how to alert SERVPRO® that your business needs help
Will Your Business Lose Control with an ERP?
SERVPRO® partners with Camarillo businesses during the ERP development process, seeking significant property owner or building manager input. Our ERP is a dynamic digital document with a mobile app feature permitting our customers to add details, rank priorities, and share information about equipment and systems vendors and contractors. The ERP app allows a business to designate SERVPRO® as its preferred source of emergency services for disaster mitigation, remediation, and restoration. To prevent delays if you are out of town or otherwise unavailable when circumstances requiring ERP services occur, you can nominate specific individuals to act and work with SERVPRO® on your behalf.
Team up with SERVPRO of Camarillo to protect your business from disastrous outcomes with an ERP. One call to (805) 484-5009 starts the process.
Evaluación de contenidos en su casa de Camarillo dañada por el fuego
6/14/2021 (Permalink)
Cuando se producen pérdidas por incendio,
el cuidado y el enfoque que se dedica a la recuperación y protección de los contenidos en su hogar Camarillo puede hacer una diferencia considerable. La limpieza y la restauración después de los daños causados por el incendio rara vez son baratas y rápidas, por lo que los pasos que se pueden tomar de inmediato para preservar sus pertenencias pueden reducir la pérdida y limitar los gastos de bolsillo de nuestros clientes.
Con una división dedicada de especialistas en recuperación capacitados para manejar posesiones y restaurarlas a su condición original de manera segura, la administración de contenido se ha convertido en un elemento básico de la recuperación exitosa de daños por incendio en las propiedades de Camarillo. La evaluación de estos elementos se produce durante la fase de ámbito del proyecto. Debido a que es vital comenzar a trabajar lo más pronto posible para garantizar la mejor protección para sus pertenencias y los elementos estructurales de su casa, trabajamos para llegar a una dirección dañada por el incendio dentro de las cuatro horas de la notificación inicial de la pérdida.
El alcance de la obra recae en la dirección competente del proyecto y el jefe de equipo que llega a la escena. Los residuos presentan algunos de los riesgos más sustanciales de daño permanente cuando la combustión literal y la carbonización no han estropeado los materiales. La presencia de capas de hollín expone continuamente el elemento a una composición ácida del residuo, que puede manchar y cicatrizar la superficie. Muchas superficies afectadas en su hogar deben ser reemplazadas o reasfaltada por nuestro equipo de SERVPRO después de daños generalizados por pérdida de incendios. La restauración interna de estas pertenencias es el enfoque ideal para nuestro equipo de SERVPRO.
Limpiar y restaurar los contenidos sin trasladarlos a nuestras instalaciones reduce los costes. Si el daño del hollín es demasiado considerable para limpiar sin técnicas de limpieza por inmersión u otras prácticas sofisticadas disponibles en nuestro almacén cercano, podemos mover sus pertenencias de forma segura según sea necesario. Nos esforzamos por proporcionar a cada cliente soluciones de gestión de contenido eficaces.
Sus pertenencias son a menudo lo que hace de su casa un hogar, y nos damos cuenta de la importancia de proteger y restaurar lo que podemos de pertenencias irremplazables. Llame hoy mismo a nuestro equipo de SERVPRO de Camarillo al (805) 484-5009.
Para más información sobre Camarillo haga clic aquí.
1/21/2021 (Permalink)
Amid pandemic, White House gets deep cleaning before handover
On January 20, 2021, ABC News reported that our sister SERVPRO franchise in Virginia was contracted to clean The White House in Washington D.C. for the Presidential transition. We were very excited here at SERVPRO of Oxnard to hear this news!
Over the past year, SERVPRO has completed more than 70,000 cleanings as the result of the current pandemic and launched the SERVPRO: Certified Cleaned program as well as selling its SERVPROxide to commercial entities on Amazon.
If you or your business is needing cleaning, disinfecting, or emergency service DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL US AT 805-484-5009 365/24/7!
SERVPRO of Camarillo is ALWAYS OPEN!
La Casa Blanca confía en SERVPRO
1/21/2021 (Permalink)
En medio de la pandemia, la Casa Blanca recibe una limpieza profunda antes de la entrega
El 20 de enero de 2021, ABC News informó que nuestra franquicia hermana SERVPRO en Virginia fue contratada para limpiar la Casa Blanca en Washington D.C. para la transición presidencial. ¡Estábamos muy emocionados aquí en SERVPRO of Oxnard de escuchar esta noticia!
Durante el año pasado, SERVPRO completó más de 70.000 limpiezas como resultado de la pandemia actual y lanzó el programa SERVPRO Certified Cleaned, además de vender su SERVPROxide a entidades comerciales en Amazon.
VEA EL Reportaje de ABC News AQUÍ
Si usted o su empresa necesitan limpieza, desinfección o servicio de emergencia, ¡NO DUDE EN LLAMARNOS AL 805-984-2347 365/24/7!
SERVPRO of Camarillo is here to help you deal with the aftermath of fire in your home or business.
12/8/2020 (Permalink)
Complying With Inspections After Fire Damage Is Why Many Homeowners In Camarillo Choose SERVPRO
Fire changes the physical structure of anything it burns, including homes in Camarillo. These changes weaken or destroy structures, making them highly unsafe. SERVPRO can help make things normal again and restore your home's structure and safe condition. Our specialists understand the testing process that local inspectors use and keep these aspects in mind while working on your home's mitigation.
These and other reasons are why SERVPRO is first on the minds of many residents when they need to do something about fire damage in their Camarillo home. Although you and your family plan on returning home and living in the house, others must clear our work after inspecting to ensure that it is safe for occupants.
Wooden beams inside your walls may suffer from slow burning or charring. While a beam may have never caught on fire, it can become weak in areas. Other concerns about charred beams are that some professionals consider soot to be a possible carcinogen. Even if your family is never directly exposed to the charred areas, its presence and its weakened state can cause inspectors to refuse to pass a home's inspection. Blasting these areas to remove the charred portions, so fresh wood is exposed, which we then seal with an approved sealant, helps pass inspection.
If your furnace or HVAC system was running when the fire happened, soot and smoke could end up inside these units. Once your home's mitigation and restoration finishes, an inspector checks these areas closely. SERVPRO makes sure these areas are clean and residue-free.
Removal of the water firefighters used to extinguish the fire can cause related damage
as can the elevated amounts of water vapor in your home. We get this removed from your home, so microbial infestations remain under control, helping your home pass another part of an inspection.
We understand you just want your home back together, “Like it never even happened.” We are here to help you achieve this goal, and restore it back to a condition that can easily pass any inspection.
SERVPRO of Camarillo is always ready to answer your questions and provide guidance so you can more easily handle the restoration of your home. Inspections must occur for your family to legally reoccupy your home, and we know how to help you accomplish this. Call us at (805) 484-5009 at any hour of the day or night, any day of the year.
SERVPRO® expands partnership with commercial businesses with first publicly available disinfectant product
12/8/2020 (Permalink)
SERVPROXIDE disinfectant is available in one-gallon bottles and boxes of four.
SERVPROXIDE™ is now available to Amazon Business customers in the United States
SERVPRO, the #1 professionals in disaster cleanup and restoration, announced the availability of SERVPROXIDE™, a hospital-grade disinfectant proven to kill 99.999% of bacteria and viruses when used as directed, for customers on Amazon Business.
SERVPRO, a Blackstone portfolio company, partnered with Amazon Business and the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Digital Innovation Team because speed to market was critical as colder weather nears and COVID-19 cases rise. In under 60 days, AWS and Amazon Business helped SERVPRO develop the logistics and e-commerce capabilities needed to bring SERVPROXIDE to the Amazon Business store.
From the beginning of the pandemic, SERVPRO franchise professionals have been on the front lines cleaning and sanitizing businesses, first responder vehicles, schools, hospitals, churches, cruise ships, and military facilities. With the launch of Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned in April 2020, SERVPRO defined professional pathogen cleaning standards for businesses and facilities fighting the spread of COVID-19.
“Since launching our professional pathogen cleaning service, our customers have been asking for support with their daily follow-up cleaning. We listened and started working with teams across Amazon to explore distribution opportunities for SERVPROXIDE,” said Mike Stahl, SERVPRO’s Chief Marketing Officer. “SERVPROXIDE can elevate everyday cleaning for business owners as they proactively clean registers, door handles, restrooms, counters, tabletops, or any other surface.”
“The SERVPRO team developed their first product offering efficiently by combining innovation and speed-to-market in order to deliver SERVPROXIDE conveniently to their customers,” said Mark Crowther, Innovation Lead, Private Equity, AWS. “AWS works with a number of Blackstone’s portfolio companies to help them develop innovative solutions on the world’s leading cloud, and we are thrilled to partner with Amazon Business to help SERVPRO with this business launch.”
The COVID-19 pandemic has opened the eyes of business owners and consumers alike to increased cleaning practices. According to a recent Harris Poll, 71% of consumers expect businesses to have higher cleanliness standards than they do in their own homes. Business owners, now more than ever, are publicly demonstrating enhanced cleaning protocols and the use of professional, hospital-grade products to show all they are doing to mitigate the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and other viruses.
When used as directed, SERVPROXIDE disinfectant kills a wide variety of harmful pathogens while being safe enough for everyday cleaning. It carries EPA’s lowest toxicity rating and is NSF-rated for use on food contact surfaces with no rinse required.i Designed to disinfect on hard surfaces, SERVPROXIDE also effectively sanitizes soft surfaces and neutralizes odors on fabrics and carpets.
Now available on Amazon Business, SERVPROXIDE is the first product SERVPRO has sold directly to customers in the company’s 50-plus year history. Select product offerings will also include Cleaned with SERVPRO Disinfectants window sticker for businesses to display to provide additional safety assurances to their customers.
"Being 100% sure that our cleaning practices are effective, gives us the opportunity to focus on what we do. We make pizza!!! Anyone that works in a high-volume pizzeria knows what a whirlwind of chaos it can be. The fact that SERVPROXIDE is ready to use, and requires no dilution, gives me peace of mind what we're using on our food surfaces as well as NSF and EPA registrations. I want our customers to know that we take their health seriously, and that's why we choose to use SERVPROXIDE in our food truck. You trust us to make pizza, we trust SERVPRO to make our disinfectant. It's as simple as that. Also, pineapple DOES belong on pizza," stated Danny Bruckert, Owner/ Pizza Maker for Groundlings Pizza Co., Brooklyn, NY.
Amazon Business helps millions of customers worldwide reshape their procurement with cost and time savings, greater productivity, and insightful purchasing analytics with access to a variety of business-tailored features and benefits.
While using SERVPROXIDE as directed will reduce the spread of pathogens on treated surfaces, SERVPRO recommends that businesses have a professional pathogen cleaning if they experience a COVID-19 event in their facility.
Founded in 1967, the SERVPRO franchise system is a leader and provider of fire and water cleanup and restoration services, mold mitigation, and biohazard remediation. SERVPRO’s professional services network of more than 1,800 individually owned and operated franchises responds to property damage emergencies ranging from small individual disasters to multi-million dollar large-loss events. Providing coverage in the United States and Canada, the SERVPRO system has established relationships with major insurance companies and commercial clients, as well as individual homeowners.
iNSF Registration No. 141392, Category Code: D2 (antimicrobial products not requiring rinse).
Restauración de daños por incendio en Camarillo
10/12/2020 (Permalink)
SERVPRO de Camarillo puede ayudar a mitigar y restaurar su propiedad aplicando hábilmente nuestro conocimiento y experiencia a su situación.
Por qué SERVPRO usa selladores como parte de la restauración de daños por incendio en Camarillo
El humo viene en muchos colores y densidades diferentes y crea una variedad de olores no deseados después de que una casa se incendia en Camarillo. Incluso con estas variaciones, las partículas de hollín son microscópicas y se introducen fácilmente en espacios diminutos. A medida que se descomponen, las corrientes de aire dentro de su residencia los elevan de nuevo al aire. Esto provoca la reaparición de olores y también posibles efectos sobre la salud.
Cuando una casa en Camarillo tiene daños por incendio, puede afectar ciertas áreas de la residencia. Existen algunas razones diferentes por las que SERVPRO usa selladores durante la restauración de muchas propiedades cubiertas de hollín. Una razón es la falta de accesibilidad, incluso con las mejores herramientas disponibles en el mercado. Un elemento que también puede afectar la calidad del aire interior de su casa, en gran medida, son los conductos de su sistema de ventilación.
Nuestro equipo de servicios de construcción (Junta de Licencias del Estado de California (CSLB) # 892710) puede eliminar la mayoría de hollín y otros residuos de humo de esta área. Algunos lugares, sin embargo, permanecen intocables debido a los límites interiores del sistema de conductos. La aplicación de un sellador evita que las partículas perdidas lleguen al espacio vital de su hogar, donde los miembros de su familia pueden respirar estas partículas en sus pulmones. Si bien rociar un agente sellador dentro de los conductos requiere encender y apagar el sistema de ventilación varias veces, recomendamos que los propietarios no usen su sistema HVAC hasta que lo hayamos revisado y asegurado que sea seguro para su uso.
El ladrillo y el hormigón tienen superficies rugosas donde las partículas de hollín pueden atascarse. Los limpiamos con ácidos débiles y cepillos de cerdas de alambre después de aspirar el hollín más suelto. Sellar estas áreas también puede hacer que la limpieza futura sea más fácil de lo normal porque el polvo no se puede adherir tan fácilmente como lo hacía anteriormente.
Los espacios de acceso dentro de su propiedad también pueden cubrirse con hollín. La madera sin terminar puede quemarse por el humo aún caliente, lo que hace que la limpieza de estos lugares requiera más trabajo. Después de pasar la aspiradora y cepillar, a menudo usamos gránulos de hielo seco o bicarbonato de sodio para limpiar las áreas carbonizadas de la madera dañada por el fuego. Después de llegar a la madera no dañada, a menudo rociamos un sellador sobre toda el área, por lo que el hollín que queda no le crea olores ni otros problemas.
SERVPRO de Camarillo puede ayudar a mitigar y restaurar su propiedad aplicando hábilmente nuestro conocimiento y experiencia a su situación.
Llame a nuestra línea de 24 horas, (805) 484-5009, para la restauración de daños por incendio que se adapte a sus necesidades.
Para más información sobre Camarillo haga clic aquí.
9/9/2020 (Permalink)
SSERVPRO® of Camarillo is your 1st choice for all your cleaning needs! Call us at 805-484-5009 to book now!
Did you know that your carpets and other soft textiles are your primary air filters in your home and business?
By maintaining these textiles you drastically improve the indoor air quality (IAQ). Let SERVPRO® of Camarillo’s IICRC Certified technicians refresh and revive your investments and remove all the dust, dander, and other contaminants that get embedded that your regular vacuuming cannot remove. We use State of the Art Truck mount technology that allows us to clean surfaces from concrete to the most delicate silks.
Your carpet warranty could be at risk
Most manufacturers recommend cleaning by an IICRC Certified Firm using Truck mount technology so as to not void your investment’s warranty. Call us today at 805.484.5009 to book your appointment now!
The Future Of Documentation Is Here in Camarillo, CA!
6/2/2020 (Permalink)
This 3D Dollhouse Matterport view cam accurately measures
SERVPRO® of Camarillo continues to be on the leading edge of technology utilizing the state-of-the-art image capturing capabilities of Matterport. In March 2020, we recognized the emerging technology and the far-reaching benefits for our business as it is changing our industry. It allows for the ability to create a 3D virtual environment of a home or business both interior and exterior. We use Matterport Cameras on many jobs because the benefits to all parties is simply put, amazing. The Matterport system allows for measurements at 99% accuracy, the ability to walk someone through a home without being physically present in the home, the ability to share with carriers and homeowners to improve communication, and greater process and business efficiencies.
Matterport is essentially a camera system made to create schematic floor plans and 3D virtual environments of any physical space. It will do the interior and exterior of your home or business. It is a 4k camera allowing for an interactive virtual tour of any home or business. Matterport allows for the ability to view in floor plans, virtual tour, or dollhouse view. The process is extremely efficient considering the amount of space that can be covered and multiple view options that it will generate.
Matterport is used to increase productivity and efficiencies in our loss-handling workflow. The benefits of utilizing Matterport are expansive for this application having immediate benefits in reducing overhead, decreasing time-in-process, improving, customer satisfaction, and bolstering our employee work experience.
Designed with the future in mind. Matterport allows for system updates rather than forcing consumers to purchase new technology regularly. This combined with a physical product that is simplistically designed and built to last, Matterport users will be able to cut down on long term costs to increase the R.O.I. for the producer and the consumer.
Matterport has its own artificial intelligence that has incredible benefits – it’s used to automate manual tasks like blurring faces, choosing the best photos, creating short video clips and so on. These files are easily shareable among parties making it a great tool for insurance carriers, adjusters, realtors, and construction companies alike. On mobile devices and tablets, it allows you to simply swipe through a home, and they are even available to use with virtual reality headsets. You can just walk right around the home! This technology has changed the game in our industry, and everyone is benefiting.
The process is simple and anyone can do it. The technology requires the Matterport camera, a stand, an iPad, and a user. That’s it!
Having a loss to your home is costly, time-consuming, and stressful. Understanding how to navigate the insurance claim process, selecting contractors, and how to manage life while your home is completely disrupted is made difficult when you are not the expert. Matterport allows you to become more involved in all those processes and more importantly an informed consumer. SERVPRO® of Camarillo’s goal is always to empower the homeowner to enable them to lead the way in their own restoration.
Another great benefit is the artificial intelligence software otherwise known as Cortex. Cortex blocks all personal information from the images. Let’s say you have a photo of your children on the fridge you don’t want random people seeing, Cortex blocks out the faces automatically so no one will see these images or anyone in your home during the Matterport photos being taken. Cortex simply blurs out the faces. On another note, it doesn’t know what documents are important or private, so these will need to be removed from areas as it is possible to read them with the 4k imaging camera.
The ability to share images is very easy as well. So, once your virtual tour has been completed, homeowners can ask for the business to share the link for their viewing. This is a wonderful tool if you don’t live in the same area as the home damaged. Many of our customers have homes that are damaged while they are on vacation, or it is their seasonal home, so they are not able to view and understand the extent of damages. Sharing these links can allow for a better communication path for the homeowner with their carrier, restoration company, realtor, etc.
Working in the insurance business is STRESSFUL. Examiners, adjusters, and claim representatives are tasked with handling a variety of complex claims which involve coverage review, estimating, and documenting the loss to reach a settlement with the policyholder. This requires a great deal of trust and effective communication in the process and the people involved. Unfortunately, a minor breakdown in this process can lead to errors in claims handling which ultimately creates more work and stress for all those involved. Matterport can help! Matterport is shareable allowing seamless collaboration between all interested parties in the claims process. When a restorer uses the system, it eliminates some of the ‘what if’ scenarios. You can see the damage, in a clear, easy to view tour. If you wonder if something was damaged, you can simply open the link and look. Wonder why those cabinets must be removed? Look at the cabinets in whatever view you need! Can’t justify the amount of flooring being removed? You can measure the materials that are being removed. Communication is more efficient when using Matterport.
Matterport can also cut down on costs when writing and reviewing estimates. Writing and reviewing estimates can be time-consuming and difficult when you cannot physically be in the space to understand the loss.
Matterport is changing the trajectory of the insurance and restoration industry by bridging several known gaps in the relationships between homeowners, insurance companies, and contractors. SERVPRO® of Camarillo is proud to be aligned with Matterport in this endeavor and leading the way in positive change!!
We are Cleaning Experts
3/16/2020 (Permalink)
SERVPRO of Camarillo is here to help in this time of need.
SERVPRO of Camarillo is Here to Help during this time of need
During this unprecedented time caused by the global pandemic of coronavirus, this is a reminder to our customers that we are specialists in cleaning services, and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards.
Specialized Training
We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff perform on a daily basis.
The CDC encourages cleaning of high-touch surfaces such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, light switches, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets and tables. Other spaces mentioned in the CDC’s guidance for commercial spaces include:
- Kitchen/Food Areas
- Bathrooms
- Schools/Classrooms
- Offices
- Retail Spaces
- Water Fountains
- Shelving/Racks
- Sales Counters
- Carpets and Rugs
- Stair Handrails
- Elevator Cars
- Playground Equipment
- Fitness Equipment
Specialized Products
The CDC recommends usage of a labeled hospital-grade disinfectant with claims against similar pathogens to the coronavirus. Multiple products in the SERVPRO product line carry the EPA-approved emerging pathogens claims. While there is currently no product tested against this particular strain of the coronavirus, we are following all guidelines as provided by the CDC and local authorities.
Call Today for a Proactive Cleaning
If your home or business needs deep cleaning services, call the experts today – SERVPRO of Camarillo, 805-484-5009
3/10/2020 (Permalink)
Why is Asbestos so dangerous to you?
Because properties built prior to 1980 are highly likely to contain deadly asbestos, the cause of mesothelioma and other diseases.
Many older homes still contain a number of asbestos-laden building products. These can’t be seen when viewing homes online and may even go unnoticed when touring a property in person.
The truth is, asbestos can be hiding just about anywhere in these older homes and in places you would not have imagined.
Where Asbestos Can Be Found in Older Camarillo Homes
One of the most common asbestos products used by the construction industry was fibro asbestos sheeting. Formed by a matrix of cement and asbestos fibers, the sheeting was used in many areas of the house and property, including:
- Exterior walls
- Electric meter boards
- Garages
- Garden sheds
- Fences
- Dog Kennels
Although it is generally considered safe to live in a house constructed of fibro asbestos sheeting — provided the sheets are in good condition and adequately painted — this type of asbestos product can be particularly hazardous to human health if damaged.
Hidden Dangers in Camarillo Homes
Unlike fibro asbestos sheeting that can easily be seen on the outside of older homes, the asbestos-containing building products used within the properties are not always visible.
These products are found in many areas of the home, including:
- Carpet underlays
- Cladding in internal walls and ceilings
- Vents
- Chimneys and fireplaces
- Hot water piping and sheeting under floor tiles
- Lagging on hot water pipes
- Vinyl floor tiles and backings
- Asbestos-containing adhesive used to secure floor tiles
- Textured paint
- Insulation
- Flexible building boards
- Imitation brick cladding
- Window putty
- Expansion joints
- Packing under beams
Third Wave of Asbestos Victims
An alarming report published by the Public Health Research and Practice Journal in 2016 estimated that six out of every 10 people diagnosed with mesothelioma today have undertaken major home renovations involving asbestos.
Unlike the first and second waves of asbestos victims, this wave involves the whole family.
Mesothelioma is now affecting men and women in their 40s. The asbestos-related cancer, caused by inhaling or ingesting asbestos fibers, has no known cure.
The safest and most efficient way to remove asbestos from your property is to hire an asbestos abatement company, like SERVPRO of Camarillo, who have the necessary equipment to do the job.
Though this can prove to be expensive, attempting to do it yourself in order to save money could end up costing you your life.
SERVPRO of Camarillo can be reached at 805-484-5009
Cal Contractor Lic#:892710 DOSH#:1052
Why is SERVPRO of Camarillo an IICRC Certified Firm?
3/9/2020 (Permalink)
SERVPRO of Camarillo is an IICRC Certified Firm
What is the IICRC?
The IICRC is the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification, a non-profit organization for the cleaning and restoration industry. The IICRC, originally named the International Institute of Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Inc. (IICUC), was founded in 1972 by Ed York. Since starting in 1972, the IICRC has evolved into a global organization with more than 60,000 active Certified Technicians and more than 6,000 Certified Firms around the world.
SERVPRO of Camarillo prides itself as being counted as one of few in Camarillo to hold this distinction.We value the advanced training the IICRC provides to enable us to perform better for you.
What is advanced training and why does it matter?
SERVPRO of Camarillo uses the advanced training it receives to better understand your situation. We can honestly say the we haven't seen everything! We see new challenges everyday and our advanced training allows us to assess the situation and make an educated decision on how to resolve it.
Have you ever wondered why a family or friend could get a coffee stain out of their carpet but you could not get it out of yours? You might both have an off white carpet but yours could be a nylon construction and theirs could be a polyester construction. That is where advanced training comes into play. We can identify the specifics and correct the issue with all the proper information.
How does this benefit you?
SERVPRO of Camarillo is continually learning from industry leaders, manufacturers, and scientists on the ever changing trends in restoration, manufacturing of textiles and building materials. Our technicians receive training on an annual basis to maintain their individual certifications. This allows SERVPRO of Camarillo to provide you with our knowledge and expertise!
Fire Damage Restoration in Camarillo
1/31/2020 (Permalink)
Call our 24-hour line, (805) 484-5009, for fire damage restoration that fits your needs.
Why SERVPRO Uses Sealants as Part of Fire Damage Restoration in Camarillo
Smoke comes in many different colors and densities, and creates a variety of unwanted odors after a home catches fire in Camarillo. Even with these variations, soot particles are microscopic and easily forced into tiny spaces. As they breakdown, air currents inside your residence lift them back into the air. This leads to odors reappearing and also to possible health effects.
When a home in Camarillo has fire damage, it can affect certain areas of the residence. There are a few different reasons why SERVPRO uses sealants during restoration of many soot-covered properties. One reason is a lack of accessibility, with even the best tools available on the market. One element that can also affect your house’s indoor air quality, to a great extent, is the ducts of your ventilation system.
Our building services team (California State License Board (CSLB) # 892710) can get this area stripped of the majority of soot and other smoke residues. Some places, however, remain untouchable because of the interior confines of the duct system. Applying a sealant keeps stray particles from reaching your home’s living space where your family members can breathe these particles into their lungs. While spraying a sealing agent inside the ducts does require turning the ventilation system on and off a few times, we recommend that homeowners do not use their HVAC system until after we have checked it and made sure it is safe for use.
Brick and concrete have rough surfaces where soot particles can get stuck. We clean these with weak acids and wire-bristle brushes after vacuuming looser soot away. Sealing these areas can also make future cleaning easier than normal because dust cannot adhere as easily as it did previously.
Crawlspaces within your property can also become coated with soot. Unfinished wood can become charred from still-hot smoke, making cleaning these places more work-intensive. After vacuuming and brushing, we often use dry ice pellets or baking soda to blast charred areas free of fire-damaged wood. After reaching non-damaged wood, we often spray a sealant over the entire area, so any soot remaining does not create odor or other problems for you.
SERVPRO of Camarillo can help mitigate and restore your property by skillfully applying our knowledge and experience to your situation. Call our 24-hour line, (805) 484-5009, for fire damage restoration that fits your needs.
For more about Camarillo click here.
Fire Damage In Your Camarillo Home
12/21/2019 (Permalink)
Give our SERVPRO of Camarillo team a call today at (805) 484-5009.
Evaluating Contents in Your Fire Damaged Camarillo Home
When fire losses occur, the care and focus that goes into the recovery and protection of contents in your Camarillo home can make a considerable difference. Cleaning and restoration after fire damage are rarely cheap and fast, so the steps that can get taken immediately to preserve your belongings can both reduce loss and limit the out-of-pocket expenses of our customers.
With a dedicated division of recovery specialists trained to handle possessions and restore them to their original condition safely, content management has become a staple of successful fire damage recovery in Camarillo properties. The evaluation of these items occurs during the scoping phase of the project. Because it is vital to begin work as promptly as possible to ensure the best protection for your belongings and the structural elements of your house, we work to arrive at a fire-damaged address within four hours of the initial notification of loss.
Scoping of the work falls to the competent project management and crew chief arriving at the scene. Residues present some of the most substantial risks for permanent damage when literal combustion and charring has not marred the materials. The presence of soot layers continually exposes the item to an acidic composition of the residue, which can both stain and scar the surface. Many affected surfaces in your home must get replaced or resurfaced by our SERVPRO team after widespread fire loss damage.
In-house restoration of these belongings is the ideal approach for our SERVPRO team. Cleaning and restoring contents without moving them to our facility reduces costs. If soot damage is too considerable to clean without immersion cleaning techniques or other sophisticated practices available in our nearby warehouse, we can safely move your belongings as necessary.
We strive to provide every customer with effective content management solutions. Your belongings are often what makes your house a home, and we realize the importance of protecting and restoring what we can of irreplaceable belongings. Give our SERVPRO of Camarillo team a call today at (805) 484-5009.
For more about Camarillo click here.
Airborne Contaminants that Threaten Camarillo Homes After a Fire
10/6/2019 (Permalink)
SERVPRO will make sure that your Camarillo home is in perfect condition after your fire damage.
Don’t let contaminants take over your Camarillo home from fire damage.
Many Camarillo homeowners mistakenly believe that the worst of fire loss effects occur during the actual blaze, and this is not always the truth. The damage does not stop because the fire has been extinguished, and many of the lingering effects can be as detrimental to the health and wellbeing of your family as the actual fire. Airborne contaminants are an underappreciated presence and one that can be harmful to those without the appropriate protective equipment and expertise.
Effects of fire damage in Camarillo homes can spread quickly throughout the property, even if the fire itself did not reach these areas. Addressing each of these potential contaminants and symptoms is a priority of our SERVPRO fire recovery team. Because of our knowledge as certified Fire & Smoke Restoration Technicians (FSRT) and our years of experience in this niche, we have an efficient and safe strategies to overcome hazardous environments.
Among the chief concerns for both our SERVPRO technicians and homeowners should be the presence of soot. It gets created by the incomplete combustion of specific types of fuels and materials, which ultimately produces very fine, microscopic particles that can be hazardous to inhale or ingest. While it can also appear as it settles on surfaces, airborne soot must get removed with HEPA filters and exhausting concentrated air outside of the house.
Smoke is another concern that both our technicians and the property owner should have, as airborne particulates can irritate those exposed. Our professionals can remove these remnants in the same way, through the filtering of one of our machines fitted with an onboard HEPA filter.
Debris is a wildcard in your home and can present anything from a mild agitation of a respiratory system to a full-scale health hazard. Debris can get created from any combustion or charring that took place, so remnants of chemicals and plastics can produce unsafe conditions without the appropriate protective gear.
Protecting your home and family is a priority of our SERVPRO of Camarillo fire recovery team, and that begins with making the home safe even after a fire has gotten extinguished. We can mobilize quickly to help reduce the concentration of airborne threats and begin vital mitigation work. Give us a call at (805) 484-5009.
To learn more about Camarillo, click here.
Attention Camarillo Property Owners! Contact SERVPRO for Safe Asbestos Removal and Abatement
9/9/2019 (Permalink)
Camarillo Property Have Asbestos in the Building Materials? Contact SERVPRO for a Safe and Secure Abatement Service
SERVPRO Can Help in Hazardous Asbestos Abatement in Camarillo
It can be a challenge to trust professional restorers and construction contractors to meet the high expectations that you have for your Camarillo apartment. California regulations, however, dictate that uncertified and licensed property owners can only legally remove asbestos from their home if it is under 100 square feet. Even with this being the case, this small area can still pose substantial risks to those unprepared for the hazard asbestos can be.
Asbestos abatement in Camarillo homes can be a damaging situation for those that approach it without the appropriate protective equipment and understand its effect on their health. Residents directly exposed can experience debilitating conditions such as asbestosis or even mesothelioma.
When homeowners encounter asbestos-laden materials, it often occurs during demolition and remodeling efforts for a house. During this removal process, these materials in question can become disturbed and moved, releasing thousands of fibers into the environment that can remain circulating in a home for years. Our professionals have practices that dampen these materials when they must get removed from the home that reduces the air circulation and make the fibers easier to clean.
Choosing professional assistance for the abatement is a sound strategy to approach this threat with the right tools, products, and trained personnel. Our SERVPRO team has been tested and endorsed by the California Department of Industrial Relations’ Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/ OSHA) and the California Contractors State License Board (CSLB.) This licensing through the state allows us to address even substantial abatement projects, including giant commercial structures.
While the presence of asbestos might get underappreciated by property owners, California still mandates strict rules and regulations on the collection, transportation, and proper disposal of this threat. Our SERVPRO team adheres to these strict regulations to ensure that every project we complete falls within these designated parameters. It can be difficult for many homeowners to remove asbestos on their own without inadvertently circulating dangerous fibers throughout the property, which require industrial-grade machines to filter out.
The advanced equipment utilized by our SERVPRO asbestos abatement team can safely get the job done. Since 1989, homes built are asbestos-free in the construction materials. If you home was constructed prior to this date and you desire a remodel or major renovation, contact us for removal and protecting your family.
Our licensed SERVPRO of Camarillo abatement specialists are standing by at (805) 484-5009, to protect your property and its occupants.
We Are The Best At Restoring Your Fire Damaged Home In Camarillo
6/17/2019 (Permalink)
For a better restoration of your property after a fire incident, call SERVPRO of Camarillo to help.
Why Highly Trained SERVPRO Technicians Fix Fire Damage In Camarillo Better
A fire can be confined to a small area close to the source or spread throughout your home. However, all the incidents leave a wide range of damages that require different approaches to clear. Damages occur through residue deposit, heat searing, and the actual burning by flames. Each of these aspects varies, which can complicate the restoration process. We help restore affected homes faster because our crew members are highly trained, and IICRC certified.
Scoping the scene of fire damage in Camarillo helps establish what type of damage is most prevalent, which helps create a proper response plan. Small incidents such as those involving stove or grease fires in the kitchen mostly leave residues as the dominant type of damage. Such residues spread through smoke movements so they might not be confined in one location only. Our SERVPRO technicians do simple tests such as wiping with a sponge starting close to the fire source to establish how far the deposits spread determining the level of cleaning necessary.
The different aspects of fire like heat, moisture, oxygen, and gases interact, creating a variety of challenges for the cleaning effort. Heat can open up pores on surfaces allowing residues to penetrate deeper. Presence of moisture during the fire creates wet smoke, which stains materials deeply. Our SERVPRO technicians rely on their training in Fire and Smoke Restoration techniques to tackle these challenges. We use different approaches like mechanical agitation, chemical action through the application of professional cleaning agents, and temperature control to ease cleaning. We also capitalize because cleaning agents work better when allowed enough dwell time.
Apart from leaving visible residues, fires also leave invisible materials. For example, there is a tendency for a bad odor to develop after a fire. Such odor may persist even after cleaning all visible residues from the affected areas. Deodorization can help remove odor particles embedded deep into different materials. Our SERVPRO crews use various deodorization techniques, including fogging to deliver sanitizers, digesters, or neutralizers to the affected area. We also use specialized equipment such as hydroxyl generators to deal with the odor.
For a better restoration of your property after a fire incident, call SERVPRO of Camarillo to help. You can reach us at (805) 484-5009 any time. We’re Faster to Any Size Disaster.
Click here for more about Camarillo.
For Camarillo Property Owners, Why SERVPRO Can Safely Provide Asbestos Abatement
5/20/2019 (Permalink)
Let SERVPRO Safely Remove Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) from Your Camarillo Home
Stay Between the Regulatory Lines with Asbestos Abatement and Fire Damage Cleanup in Camarillo
One issue that we commonly must deal with when restoring older damaged buildings or assisting with a demolition project is asbestos abatement. Asbestos was used for decades as a fire-resistant building material before studies showed that it could cause severe health effects to those who inhabit buildings containing it. Removing asbestos-containing material (ACM) from a building can be a complicated task, as many different regulations apply to the use and appropriate disposal of asbestos materials. The State of California has very rigid laws and regulations concerning the demolition and removal of asbestos based materials.
One of the most important reasons to hire a specialist company like SERVPRO to handle asbestos abatement in Camarillo and other local communities is due to the many different local and national regulations regarding the removal and handling of asbestos. The removal of this carcinogenic material is compounded by the cleanup and restoration already required after the house fire. Demolition must be carried out while donning personal protective equipment (PPE), and the best practices of encapsulation and removal always adhered to during the cleanup. For any abatement project we handle, we must pay close attention to multiple metrics of employee safety, air quality, disposal techniques, and consistent removal patterns. Violations in any of these disciplines can lead to steep fines and penalties from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and local regulatory bodies. Some SERVPRO technicians receive certifications from the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification in the proper methods to remove asbestos while following all applicable government policies.
Without professional assistance in removing asbestos from your property, you may run several financial risks. Work done by uncertified or under-certified individuals may immediately alert inspection agents to an improperly run abatement project, potentially leading to thousands of dollars in fines. Furthermore, the health risks associated with asbestos exposure mean that anyone in and around the property after the completion of an improper abatement job could sue for damages. Hiring SERVPRO helps to ensure that all safety and legal concerns are addressed and all documentation is done professionally. Typically, upon completion of a fire-damaging event where asbestos was a factor, means the calling in of a Certified Industrial Hygienist for final verification of a safe and clean environment.
You can rely on the training and advanced equipment offered by our franchise to restore your property to a safe status, ridding the asbestos, fire-damaged materials, odor control, and even spraying an antimicrobial to thwart the developement of mold.
SERVPRO of Camarillo is fully certified to help you remove and dispose of asbestos products on an old property. For help in understanding if and why you might need an abatement project, or to request our services, call us at (805) 484-5009.
More about your city by clicking here.
If Your Carpet In Your Camarillo Home Has Been Damaged By Water, Our Experts Can Help!
3/20/2019 (Permalink)
Give our experienced SERVPRO of Camarillo response team a call anytime at (805) 484-5009.
Protecting The Carpeting Of Your Water Damaged Camarillo Home
When it comes to water loss incidents that can occur in your Camarillo home, protecting flooring and other construction materials is a vital component to our restoration approach. When you reach out to our professionals for mitigation and restoration amid a disaster, we can respond quickly with effective containment strategies to protect unaffected areas of your home as well as addressing the damage that exposed materials have already sustained.
Carpeting can become magnets for water damage in your Camarillo home, so we strive to prevent this flooring material from ever becoming saturated when possible. With a fast response to your emergency, we can employ the appropriate containment strategies to keep the water damage contained to its original affected area. Part of the effectiveness of this approach hinges on getting notified immediately of a water loss incident and getting our extraction and drying equipment going quickly.
Our SERVPRO team already has extraction and drying equipment loaded onto a production truck awaiting a call for an emergency threatening a local property. It is that readiness that helps us to complete jobs quickly because we can effectively implement our mitigation tactics to limit the spread of the damage and the effect on the entire household for an otherwise isolated incident. If carpeted areas of your home end up affected by a water loss incident, we have solutions to preserve this material.
Our weighted extractor, the ROVER, is a machine that forces water from carpeting and subflooring to the surface. This remote-controlled technology has an onboard vacuum to discharge extracted water from the material as it reaches the surface. Once the bulk of the saturation has gotten removed through this process, we can implement our advanced drying tools like air movers and dehumidifiers to handle the rest.
It has always been our philosophy with restoration to preserve original construction elements and materials when possible. This approach not only saves time, but it saves our customers money as well. Give our experienced SERVPRO of Camarillo response team a call anytime at (805) 484-5009.
Click here for more about Camarillo.
It Is Vital After A Fire In Your Camarillo Home You Contact The Professionals At SERVPRO!
2/14/2019 (Permalink)
If you ever need prompt service from our highly trained team, call SERVPRO of Camarillo at (805) 484-5009 24 hours a day.
Camarillo's Fire Damage Experts Talk About The Importance Of Prompt Action
If a fire ever starts inside your Camarillo house, the heat and the smoke coming from the blaze can both cause problems with your building materials and other items inside your home. If your fire damage does not get treated by a professional restoration company such as SERVPRO right after it occurs, the problems can get worse. When the smoke from a burn flows throughout a building, it leaves behind soils and soot residues when it comes into contact with cooler surfaces like your walls and ceilings. If soot gets left on surfaces inside your home, they can cause permanent issues to any affected contents or structural components. The burnt aromas created during a fire damage situation can also get worse over time if deodorization measures do not get taken immediately.
After our SERVPRO technicians receive your emergency call, we arrive at your residence, ready to begin work right away. We offer fast 24/7 service when called to assist you with your fire damage problems in Camarillo. We are available to answer your phone call any day of the week and late at night. Our crews are located nearby so that we can arrive at your house shortly after we receive the call and start assessing the situation. We come prepared with test cleaning kits so we can determine what can be saved through cleaning and restoration and which objects must be removed and replaced.
Before any inspecting or work begins, our team goes through your home and identifies any potential safety hazards. For example, sometimes burnt ceiling tiles or drywall can be hanging down and presenting a fall hazard. In this case, we can remove the items and make sure there is nothing loose to fall and hurt anyone.
After our crew deems the affected area safe, we begin inspecting your home for potential issues. As a result of the inspection, we compose an initial estimate containing the work we think will need to be done to return your house to its preloss state “Like it never even happened.” If you ever need prompt service from our highly trained team, call SERVPRO of Camarillo at (805) 484-5009 24 hours a day.
Click here for more about Camarillo.
For Camarillo Homeowners, Depend on SERVPRO to Cleanup Your Wild-Fire Damaged Home
11/12/2018 (Permalink)
Camarillo Properties and WildFires--After the Flames Are Out, and the Area Safe, Call SERVPRO's Crack Crew
24-Hour Service for WildFire Damages Affecting Your Camarillo Home
When disaster strikes your Camarillo home, you need fast-acting professionals to arrive after you call and help preserve your home and its contents as effectively as they can. After a wildfire breaks out close to your property, your first look at the damages can feel overwhelming. With highly trained professionals available 24/7, our franchise can help you to overcome all of the damaging effects of the smoke and heat on your home.
Fire damages can vary depending on the severity and source in a Camarillo home, but the need for immediate mitigation and effective restoration to follow does not change under normal conditions. But this is not. Our SERVPRO response team is available 24 hours a day, including holidays, to be there for every customer exactly when they need assistance. With the escalated timelines for water and fire damages, mitigation needs to occur as promptly as possible to avoid irreparable damages that have not already taken hold. Access is crucial as soon as the fire marshalls give the okay to return to your property.
Mitigation work is critical to preserving your home from ongoing effects that weaken and degrade it leading up to restoration work. From improving air quality where potential hazards are present with HEPA filtered air scrubbers to emergency board up services to prevent further elemental damages, our team can help.
Competency and experience are at the forefront of what your home and its current damages require the most. Our SERVPRO technicians undergo extensive training to obtain IICRC certifications in both Fire and Smoke Damage Restoration as well as Odor Removal. These certifications are just the beginning for our technicians, as each of them gets encouraged to continue expanding their certifications and experience through ongoing training opportunities in-house and online. We strive to provide our customers with technicians that have the expertise and knowledge to face any effect they encounter on a fire restoration project. Large, natural disasters like a wildfire need careful consideration and planning to mitigate the losses.
Whether a fire the size of Rhode Island or just a kitchen flare-up affects your property, you can reach our SERVPRO of Camarillo emergency response team anytime by calling (805) 484-5009.
Beware of the wildfires