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Archived Storm Damage Blog Posts

Surprise Rain Damage In Camarillo

8/2/2022 (Permalink)

Water stains in dropped ceilings, tracking down the wall or dripping in a hallway are all signs that your commercial building has a roof leak. Even minor exposure can be a major inconvenience.

What Causes Camarillo Roofing Leaks

As water flows outward from the leak point, its exact location can be challenging to identify. Some common causes include:

• Age of the roof
• Debris building up and trapping water against the roof
• Gutter backup slowing water flows off the roof
• Missing shingles that may have been ripped off in high winds

Water Damage Cleanup

Once the location of roof leak has been identified and the damaged roof fixed, it’s time to begin water damage cleanup. Depending on the site and severity of the leak, this can be extensive. Although each situation may be a bit different, some common steps must be taken.

1. Remove water-damaged materials.
• From the exterior: Shingles, tarpaper, plywood, flashing, etc.
• From the interior: Fiberglass insulation, drywall, dropped ceilings, carpeting/flooring, etc.

2. Dry water affected areas.
• If appliances or equipment were exposed to water, unplug them and let them air dry.
• Open windows if it’s less humid outside than inside.
• Use fans to speed the drying process.
• Check for mold growth.

3. Disinfect areas exposed to the water
• Wash nonporous hard surfaces such as glass, plastic, and metal with hot water and a non-ammonia soap
• Disinfect all exposed surfaces including wood beams and studs with a bleach solution.
• Clean soft surfaces such as furniture, window coverings and carpeting with a disinfecting cleaner

Recovering from a roof leak and restoring roof and ceilings can be a time-consuming, complex process. SERVPRO of Camarillo can ensure the process is done quickly and thoroughly, allowing you to get back to business.

Black Water Can Look Clean

8/2/2022 (Permalink)

When it comes to dealing with flood water in Camarillo, it's important to know that this type of water often falls into the black category. This can become a factor in many cleanup operations. It is important to understand where the water comes from and what to do if flooding occurs in your home or business.

Where Black Water Comes From

Contaminated water, otherwise known as black water, is any water that may have come in contact with fecal matter. This may include

  • Sewer water
  • Water from fields
  • Toilet backup
  • River run-off

Flooding falls into the black category because often there is no way to tell what it has come into contact with. In most cases, it is best to assume it has been contaminated and follow the proper sanitation procedures.

What To Do If Flooding Occurs

If you're busy with storm damage or flood water, it’s important to conduct any repairs necessary as quickly as possible. Doing so can help prevent further damage and may also help when it comes time to talk to your insurance. Since flooding is considered to be contaminated water, it's important to remember to sanitize the damaged area as well as to clean the zone.

How Your Insurance May Help

Depending on your policy your commercial insurance may cover the costs of cleanup and repairs related to flooding. They may even recommend a flood restoration service who can help with every step of the process. If you have questions about what exactly is covered by your policy, it's important to talk to your insurance agent.

Understanding that flood water falls into the black category can help you take proper sanitation measures when it comes time to clean up. Most experts recommend thoroughly drying the area, and then following recommended sanitation practices. In many cases, your insurance may cover the cost of restoration. If you have any questions, SERVPRO of Camarillomay be able to help.

Tips That Can Keep Your Camarillo Building Dry

8/2/2022 (Permalink)

  • Increase grade:  The earth around the home should be sloped away from the house to divert water away. Very simply, borrow earth from three feet away from the structure, and toss it against the side of the house thus creating the slope.
  • Clean rain gutters:  Schedule a licensed professional to clean gutters annually. A clogged rain gutter can send water cascading down the exterior wall, which can result in water entering the interior walls.
  • Divert down spouts: In a quick run to the local hardware store, homeowners can find a black, plastic corrugated 6-inch hose that fits around the base of the downspout. This device carries water away from the house, preventing it from seeping down into the foundation.
  • Roof maintenance: Where rain is concerned, the roof is the first line of defense. One small tear in a rubber membrane or crack in a tin roof, or compromise in the plywood structure of the roof can prove disastrous for the entire interior of the home. But regular maintenance can preserve the life of the roof. Have a roofer check out your home every five years.
  • Window repairs:  Proper window installation and maintenance is imperative. Modern windows are fitted with wells and drains designed to help direct water outside the house. Improper caulking can prove disastrous by sending water into the house that should be draining away from the window.
  • Sweep away debris:  Especially during spring and fall seasons, when the area’s great trees emit pollen in tumble weed fashion and drop their leaves in mass, it is critical to diligently sweep outdoor surfaces weekly, especially patios and door wells to prevent the collection of debris clogging exterior drains.

Santa Ana Winds Roof Damage

8/2/2022 (Permalink)

When you live in Camarillo, roof damage may occur due to varying weather conditions. It's important to do what you can to mitigate any potential problems before they leave lasting damage to your home. Some things you can do include

1. Regularly Inspect your Roof

Performing a regular inspection of your roof can allow you to look for any water, storm or wind damage that may have occurred. Many experts recommend having an inspection performed biannually. You may also want to look a roof over after any severe storms or weather.

2. Take Care of Problems As they Occur

One important mitigation tip to keep in mind when dealing with roof damage is to take care of any problems as they occur. This may keep a small problem from turning into a larger issue down the road, and also keep you in compliance with your homeowner’s insurance policy. Additionally, making small repairs as necessary may help prevent a costly roof replacement down the road.

3. Contact a Professional

If you are unsure how to properly care for a roof, or what repair sets may be necessary for any damage you may find, then you may want to contact a storm damage restoration professional. A professional service often has the equipment, materials and tools necessary to perform any repairs as efficiently and safely as possible. They should also be able to answer any questions or concerns you may have about your roof.

If you're worried about roof damage to your Camarillo home, you may want to consider taking some of these steps mitigate potential problems. Doing a regular roof inspection will it allow you to be aware of the condition of your roof and take care of any problems as they occur. If you have any doubt as to the severity of the damage or what steps may need to be taken, a professional may be able to help.

Storm Claims in Camarillo, CA

6/13/2022 (Permalink)

What Should Clients And Adjusters Look For In A Restoration Company?

When it comes to damage restoration, an insurance adjuster and client share many interests. Both want to have mitigation and restoration work done well at a reasonable cost. Insurance representatives and property owners should look for the following features when comparing restoration services in Camarillo, CA.

Accurate Estimates

An estimate gives clients and insurers a clearer sense of the total amount of an insurance claim. This calculation should account for several aspects of a job:

  • The type and extent of damage
  • Necessary equipment and labor
  • Mitigation and restoration costs

A company that provides both mitigation and restoration services may provide a more accurate initial estimate. An insurance adjuster is likely to prefer a single estimate that accounts for the entire process rather than two estimates from different companies that may or may not work together.

Ease of Access

Insurance agents and adjusters can access claim information and estimates online at any time through the SERVPRO Claims Information Center. This service provides a variety of information:

  • Claim information
  • Estimates
  • Comparison data

Insurance representatives can sign on to review updated information about a job. This electronic claims service also enables insurers to compare national, regional, state, county or local data on claims, losses and jobs.

Industry-Leading Methods

Insurance representatives and clients can both appreciate a service that uses cutting-edge methods. Certification from the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration indicates that a company adheres to established industry-wide best practices. This credential often means that a service can complete a job in less time and often with a lower claim.

An insurance adjuster is more likely to settle a claim based on an accurate estimate from a company capable of completing the job. The availability of claim information can make this process faster and more straightforward. An insurer or client can access all of these features through SERVPRO of Camarillo.

¿Necesito un seguro de inquilinos de Camarillo?

12/7/2021 (Permalink)

¿Por qué los inquilinos deberían tener una póliza de seguro para inquilinos?

Como Socorrista de Servicios de Emergencia en el Camarillo,vemos de primera mano los efectos que pueden causar los daños por incendio, humo y agua.  No solo a la Propiedad, sino que vemos Bienes Personales y Activos Valiosos que se dañan, se rompen, se enoja, se echan a perder, se contamina e incluso se desmoronan.  

Puede llegar a ser muy costoso salir de su bolsillo para la limpieza, reparación o reemplazo de pertenencias personales afectadas.   Especialmente si un Arrendatario tiene  que ser desplazado por un período de tiempo debido a que la propiedad está dañada y necesita reparación.

Dado que la mayoría de los Camarillo  son  inquilinos,  ¡es muy recomendable tener un seguro para inquilinos!  Es realmente triste decir que la mayoría de los inquilinos no tienen seguro de inquilino y están en pérdida. La póliza de seguro de propietarios o propietarios de viviendas no cubrirá la propiedad personal o el desplazamiento de los inquilinos en caso de incendio o daños por agua.  Tener un seguro de inquilino garantizará sus costos de limpieza, reparación, reemplazo e incluso desplazamiento. ¡La mayoría de las pólizas de seguro de inquilinos cuestan centavos al día!

Para obtener más información sobre el seguro de inquilinos, haga clic aquí.

Llame a SERVPRO de Camarillo  si tiene pertenencias personales o propiedad afectada por incendio o agua al  805-484-5009.  ¡Somos sus socorristas!

Limitar más daños a su casa de Camarillo es por qué actuamos rápido

8/4/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Camarillo tech extracting water from floor SERVPRO of Camarillo is YOUR rapid response to storm damage 805-484-5009

Inundaciones en su casa de Camarillo Cuna ventaja a problemas en toda su propiedad

Un aumento significativo en la humedad a menudo ocurre en una residencia de Camarillo después de una emergencia que involucra la propiedad. Una humedad alarmantemente más alta no necesita ningún instrumento científico para decirle a los propietarios lo que su piel ya les está diciendo sobre su hogar.

Un tipo de desastre que puede causar esto dentro de una casa camarillo es la inundación de cualquier parte de la propiedad. Tan pronto como el agua invade los materiales de su hogar, también comienza a evaporarse en el aire. Debido a las corrientes de aire ya existentes dentro de su hogar, el vapor de agua migra a cada área de su hogar a medida que intenta alcanzar el equilibrio. 

A medida que este vapor de agua se condensa en los objetos alrededor de su hogar, puede causar problemas. Incluso mientras trabajamos en mitigar el diluvio de materia microbiana a través de la aplicación de desinfectantes, la eliminación de piezas más grandes de escombros, la eliminación de mezclas de suelos depositados y piezas más pequeñas de escombros, y la eliminación de partes dañadas de su casa, la evaporación continúa teniendo lugar constantemente. SERVPRO entiende cómo se mueve el agua dentro de una casa y el daño secundario que su presencia puede traer.

La humedad tiende a aparecer en las piezas de metal, y la presencia de humedad hace que la corrosión dañe dichos artículos rápidamente. Muchos de los artículos que componen los sistemas eléctricos, de climatización y de telecomunicaciones de su casa están hechos de metal. Las piezas oxidadas pueden causar un mal funcionamiento del sistema o incluso una falla completa.

Mientras que sus proveedores de telecomunicaciones son responsables del mantenimiento de sus equipos, SERVPRO también tiene un equipo de servicios de construcción que puede ayudar con las reparaciones necesarias para los sistemas eléctricos y de climatización. Nuestra información con respecto a ese servicio cae bajo la Junta de Licencias del Estado de California (CSLB) # 892710, y también podemos ayudarlo a abordar su propiedad y encerrarla dentro de una cerca temporal.

Debido a que los ambientes humedecidos pueden causar cortocircuitos eléctricos tan rápidamente después de los daños por inundación,también llegamos con fuentes de energía portátiles para que nuestros equipos de mitigación puedan configurar y hacer funcionar los motores de aire y las máquinas desecantes. Algunos de nuestros métodos de control de olores no requieren electricidad, pero a menudo ejecutamos al menos un generador de hidroxilo durante las etapas de mitigación y restauración. El hidroxilo no mata el moho superficial, pero puede destruir las esporas que flotan en el aire, ya que también destruye los olores. 

Las inundaciones pueden causar problemas a largo plazo con los servicios públicos, los olores y las infestaciones microbianas. Sin embargo, SERVPRO de Camarillo  tiene los jugadores del equipo que pueden hacer que su hogar "Como nunca sucedió" rápido. Hacemos más que hacer que su casa se vea bien de nuevo , lo hacemos seguro y funcional, también. Llámenos al (805) 484-5009 para comenzar las cosas lo antes posible.

Ver más sobre Camarillo.

Limiting more damage to your Camarillo home is Why We Act Fast

8/4/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Camarillo tech extracting water from floor Call SERVPRO of Camarillo at 805-484-5009 to limit water damage from your home!

Flooding in Your Camarillo Home Can Lead to Problems Throughout Your Property

A significant increase in moisture often happens in a Camarillo residence after an emergency involving the property. Alarmingly higher humidity needs no scientific instrument to tell homeowners what their skin is already telling them about their home. 

One type of disaster that can cause this inside a Camarillo house is flooding of any part of the property. As soon as water invades the materials of your home, it also begins to evaporate into the air. Because of already existing air currents inside your home, water vapor migrates into every area of your home as it attempts to reach equilibrium. 

As this water vapor condenses on the objects around your home, it can cause problems. Even while we work on mitigating the deluge of microbial matter through the application of disinfectants, clearing out larger pieces of debris, shoveling out mixtures of deposited soils and smaller pieces of debris, and removing damaged parts of your house, evaporation steadily continues to take place. SERVPRO understands how water moves around inside a home and the secondary damage that its presence can bring.

Dampness tends to show up on metal pieces, and the presence of moisture causes corrosion to damage such items quickly. Many of the items making up your house's electrical, HVAC, and telecommunications systems are made out of metal. Rusted parts can cause system malfunctions or even complete failure. 

While your telecommunications providers are responsible for the maintenance of their equipment, SERVPRO also has a building services team who can help with the repairs needed for electrical and HVAC systems. Our information regarding that service falls under California State License Board (CSLB) # 892710, and we can also assist with boarding up your property and enclosing it inside a temporary fence. 

Because dampened environments can cause electrical shorts so quickly after flood damage, we also arrive with portable power sources so our mitigation crews can set up and run air movers and desiccant machines. Some of our odor control methods do not require any electricity, but we often run at least one hydroxyl generator during the mitigation and restoration stages. Hydroxyl does not kill surface mold, but it can destroy spores floating in the air as it also destroys odors. 

Flooding can cause long-term problems with utilities, odors, and microbial infestations. However, SERVPRO of Camarillo has the team players who can make your home “Like it never even happened,” fast. We do more than make you house look nice again – we make it safe and functional, too. Call us at (805) 484-5009 to get things started as soon as possible.

See more about Camarillo.

Al tratar con daños por inundaciones en su casa de Camarillo, ¡puede contar con SERVPRO CADA VEZ!

8/4/2021 (Permalink)

Las tormentas pueden permitir inundaciones en su residencia de Camarillo

Muchos propietarios de Camarillo están familiarizados con los sistemas de clima severo que pueden afectar el área con una advertencia mínima. Lo que es más alarmante que incluso este problema potencial, son los efectos que estos sistemas severos pueden tener en los hogares de toda la región. Los fuertes vientos y las lluvias torrenciales pueden ser una combinación letal para los materiales de construcción en el exterior de su hogar, arrancando revestimientos, rompiendo ventanas, dañando techos e incluso arrancando árboles. Para todos estos efectos potenciales de la tormenta que podrían resultar, muchos propietarios de Camarillo han tomado para prepararse para la amenaza persistente de daños por
inundaciones. Cualquier compromiso en las defensas exteriores de su hogar puede permitir que altos volúmenes de agua de escorrentía y la lluvia entren directamente en la residencia, extendiéndose rápidamente por los espacios adyacentes. La reacción rápida de su parte para ponerse en contacto con nuestro equipo de respuesta de emergencia de SERVPRO puede ayudar a limitar el daño que esta situación puede causar y, en última instancia, ayudar a que la restauración tome menos tiempo. Desde el momento en que nuestro equipo de respuesta a emergencias llega a su casa, nuestra misión es determinar dónde puede entrar el
agua en su hogar y sellar esta área lo mejor que podamos. Si bien estas medidas a menudo son poco más que un vendaje para el problema principal, el abordaje y el asfalto de áreas sobreexpuestas pueden evitar que más agua ingrese a su hogar hasta que el área dañada pueda reconstruirse. Nuestro equipo de SERVPRO puede comenzar nuestro trabajo de restauración después de que se realicen las reparaciones. Mientras tanto, podemos ayudar en áreas como la extracción y otras técnicas de mitigación para evitar que el problema empeore de lo que ya se ha vuelto. Una vez que su hogar está asegurado de nuevo, nuestra restauración puede ayudarlo a secar las áreas afectadas por completo y a resolver cualquier efecto secundario que también podría haber ocurrido. Siempre es nuestra intención minimizar nuestro efecto en su vida, y eso viene con ofrecer servicios 24/7 y trabajar para que nuestro proceso de restauración sea lo más eficiente posible. Puede confiar en nuestro equipo de respuesta de emergencia

de SERVPRO  de Camarillo para ayudar a mitigar su pérdida cuando se enfrenta a una inundación y tomar todas las medidas necesarias para devolver su propiedad a lacondición depre-pérdida. Llame a SERVPRO en cualquier momento que nos necesite al (805) 484-5009.

Haga clic aquí  para obtener más información sobre Camarillo

When Dealing with Flood Damage in Your Camarillo Home, You Can Count on SERVPRO EVERYTIME!

8/4/2021 (Permalink)

Storms Can Allow Flooding in Your Camarillo Residence

Many Camarillo homeowners are familiar with the severe weather systems that can affect the area with minimal warning. What is more alarming that even this potential problem, is the effects that these severe systems can have on the homes throughout the region. High winds and torrential rainfall can be a lethal combination for the construction materials on the outside of your home, tearing off siding, breaking windows, damaging roofs, and even uprooting trees.

For all of these potential storm effects that could result, many Camarillo homeowners have taken to prepare for the persistent threat of flood damages. Any compromise in the exterior defenses of your home can allow for high volumes of runoff water and the rainfall to enter directly into the residence, spreading quickly throughout adjoined spaces. Fast reaction on your part to contact our SERVPRO emergency response team can help limit the damage that this situation can cause and ultimately help the restoration take less time.

From the moment that our emergency response team arrives at your home, our mission is to determine where the water can enter your home and to seal up this area as best as we can. While these measures are often little more than a bandage for the primary problem, boarding and tarping overexposed areas can prevent more water from entering your home until the damaged area can get rebuilt.

Our SERVPRO team can begin our restoration work following the repairs getting done. In the meantime, we can help in areas like extraction and other mitigation techniques to prevent the issue from getting any worse than it has already become. Once your home is secured again, our restoration can help you to dry out the affected areas completely and to resolve any secondary effects that could have occurred as well.

It is always our intention to minimize our effect on your life, and that comes with offering services 24/7 and working to make our restoration process as efficient as possible. You can depend on our SERVPRO of Camarillo emergency response team to help mitigate your loss when you face a flood and take all of the necessary steps to return your property to preloss condition. Give SERVPRO a call anytime that you need us at (805) 484-5009.

Click here for more about Camarillo.

¿Inundación repentina en Camarillo? Llame a nuestros expertos!

6/14/2021 (Permalink)

Después de una inundación repentina en  Camarillo, sus pisos de madera pueden tener que    ser secados

Las tormentas severas en Camarillo a veces pueden resultar muy destructivas. Por ejemplo, si llueve lo suficiente en un período corto, es posible que tenga que lidiar con las condiciones de inundación repentina. Una vez que el agua comienza a llegar profundamente fuera de su propiedad, la humedad podría comenzar a entrar en su residencia desde el suelo o lugares vulnerables en su estructura como sellos de puertas inferiores. Cada vez que su suelo comienza a mojarse, una empresa de restauración professional como SERVPRO puede ayudar.

Si una  inundación repentina alguna vez golpea Camarillo,sus pisos de madera dentro de su casa podrían verse afectados negativamente. La humedad excesiva puede causar daños a los pisos de madera, y en casos extremos, el suelo debe ser removido y reemplazado. Los pisos de madera pueden contener más humedad que las maderas más suaves porque son más densas. La naturaleza de las maderas duras hace que sean mucho más difíciles de restaurar una vez que han retenido la humedad. Afortunadamente, nuestros técnicos de SERVPRO tienen equipos especializados diseñados específicamente para secar pisos de madera.

Al secar los pisos de madera, nos enfocamos en evitar que problemas como la deformación, el pandeo o el ahuecamiento se vuelvan permanentes. Los pisos de madera también deben secarse de inmediato para que el moho no tenga la oportunidad de crecer. Una vez que cualquier pandeo, deformación o ahuecamiento permanece después de que el piso está seco, el repintado o la eliminación podrían tener que hacerse. En casos menores, los problemas con el suelo se pueden restaurar lijando las imperfecciones y repintando el suelo. En los casos en que el pandeo o el ahuecamiento es severo, el suelo podría tener que ser arrancado y luego reemplazado.

Al secar pisos de madera, una técnica común es usar motores de aire y deshumidificadores. Utilizamos deshumidificadores para reducir la humedad relativa de la zona afectada a entre el 30% y el 45%. Luego configuramos motores de aire por encima y por debajo del piso, si es posible, para empujar el flujo de aire a ambos lados del material del piso de madera.

También podemos implementar equipos que pueden empujar el aire debajo del piso de madera dura para empujar el aire debajo de él. A veces, el secado puede ser más efectivo si se realiza de abajo hacia arriba. En otros escenarios, podemos usar esteras de secado especializadas que ayudan a enfocar el aire y empujarlo profundamente en el material de pisos de madera dura.

Después de una  inundación,los resultados pueden serdevastadores. Para obtener ayuda de los professionales, llame a  SERVPRO de Camarillo  al (805) 484-5009 24/7 porque somos más rápidos ante desastres de cualquier tamaño.

Para más información sobre Camarillo haga clic aquí

Content Management In Flood-Damaged Camarillo Dwellings and Places Of Business

2/16/2021 (Permalink)

What Do You Do When A Flood Hits Your Camarillo Home Or Business?

In homes and businesses common throughout parts of Camarillo, disasters like flooding can put all of the belongings and possessions of a family at risk. Addressing these concerns, along with the management of the flooding and removal of its effects are priorities for our professionals dispatched to the damaged address. We work to provide our clients with a comprehensive approach to their restoration from the initial inspection through reconstruction and cleanup, and this includes management of the contents within a property that can remain at risk for irreparable damage from the flooding.

We know how vital a fast response can be when flood damage has occurred in your Camarillo property, as the spread of floodwater can quickly saturate and impact more than the structural elements and construction materials in the property. The contents of your home represent the investments that you have made, and in many cases, these items are irreplaceable and unique. With the damage that flooding can do, you need our experienced SERVPRO contents department looking out for the belongings in your home.

The pack-out process is a vital component to the full-service experience that we can offer customers in their time of need. With a large SERVPRO facility nearby, we can relocate at-risk or damaged items to our warehouse to get specialized cleaning, disinfection, and deodorization services before they get stored in a climate-controlled vault until restoration work completes in the house and these items can get returned.

Not all of the flood scenarios require full removal of the contents of your property, however. Depending on the spread of the floodwater, there are instances where many of the items, furniture, and other personal belongings can get moved to another location in the house unaffected by the spread of floodwater.

Flood damage can affect your property in multiple ways, and without the appropriate preventative measures and recovery strategies, these effects can prove costly and destructive. Let our SERVPRO of Camarillo contents department help protect your treasured belongings when disaster strikes. Give us a call today at (805) 484-5009.

Gestión de contenido en viviendas y lugares de negocios de Camarillo dañados por inundaciones

2/16/2021 (Permalink)

¿Qué hace cuando una inundación golpea su casa o negocio en Camarillo?

En hogares y negocios comunes en partes de Camarillo, desastres como inundaciones pueden poner en riesgo todas las pertenencias y posesiones de una familia. Abordar estas preocupaciones, junto con la gestión de las inundaciones y la eliminación de sus efectos, son prioridades para nuestros professionales enviados a la dirección dañada. Trabajamos para brindar a nuestros clientes un enfoque integral para su restauración desde la inspección inicial hasta la reconstrucción y limpieza, y esto incluye la gestión del contenido dentro de una propiedad que puede permanecer en riesgo de daños irreparables por la inundación.

Sabemos lo vital que puede ser una respuesta rápida cuando se ha producido un daño por inundación en su propiedad de Camarillo, ya que la propagación del agua de la inundación puede saturar e impactar rápidamente más que los elementos estructurales y los materiales de construcción en la propiedad. El contenido de su casa representa las inversiones que ha realizado y, en muchos casos, estos elementos son irremplazables y únicos. Con el daño que pueden causar las inundaciones, necesita que nuestro experimentado departamento de contenido de SERVPRO esté pendiente de las pertenencias de su hogar.

El proceso de empaquetado es un componente vital para la experiencia de servicio completo que podemos ofrecer a los clientes en su momento de necesidad. Con una gran instalación de SERVPRO cerca, podemos reubicar los artículos en riesgo o dañados a nuestro almacén para obtener servicios especializados de limpieza, desinfección y desodorización antes de que se almacenen en una bóveda con clima controlado hasta que se completen los trabajos de restauración en la casa y estos artículos puedan ser devuelto.

Sin embargo, no todos los escenarios de inundaciones requieren la eliminación total del contenido de su propiedad. Dependiendo de la propagación del agua de la inundación, hay casos en los que muchos de los artículos, muebles y otras pertenencias personales pueden trasladarse a otro lugar de la casa que no se vea afectado por la propagación del agua de la inundación.

Los daños por inundaciones pueden afectar su propiedad de múltiples maneras, y sin las medidas preventivas y las estrategias de recuperación adecuadas, estos efectos pueden resultar costosos y destructivos. Deje que nuestro departamento de contenido de SERVPRO of Camarillo lo ayude a proteger sus preciadas pertenencias cuando ocurra un desastre. Llámanos hoy al (805) 484-5009.

Did you know SERVPRO of Camarillo is always looking at the weather?

12/8/2020 (Permalink)

Knowing what is forecast helps SERVPRO know how to forecast response

Every morning we are looking out for our Camarillo, CA community. By checking NOAA, we can see what conditions may become present in the near future.

We are always ready for what mother nature has in store for us!

NOAA's specific roles include:

  • Supplying Environmental Information Products. NOAA supplies to its customers and partners information pertaining to the state of the oceans and the atmosphere. This is clear through the production of weather warnings and forecasts via the National Weather Service, but NOAA's information products extend to climate, ecosystems, and commerce as well.
  • Providing Environmental Stewardship Services. NOAA is a steward of U.S. coastal and marine environments. In coordination with federal, state, local, tribal and international authorities, NOAA manages the use of these environments, regulating fisheries and marine sanctuaries as well as protecting threatened and endangered marine species.
  • Conducting Applied Scientific Research. NOAA is intended to be a source of accurate and objective scientific information in the four particular areas of national and global importance identified above: ecosystems, climate, weather and water, and commerce and transportation.

The five "fundamental activities" are:

  • Monitoring and observing Earth systems with instruments and data collection networks.
  • Understanding and describing Earth systems through research and analysis of that data.
  • Assessing and predicting the changes in these systems over time.
  • Engaging, advising, and informing the public and partner organizations with important information.
  • Managing resources for the betterment of society, economy, and environment.

Near- or below-normal 2020 hurricane season predicted for Central Pacific

8/12/2020 (Permalink)

There is a 75% chance of near- or below-normal tropical cyclone activity during the Central Pacific hurricane season this year, according to NOAA’s Central Pacific Hurricane Center and NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center, divisions of the National Weather Service.

The outlook also indicates a 25% chance of an above-normal season. 

For the season as a whole, 2 to 6 tropical cyclones are predicted for the Central Pacific hurricane region. This number includes tropical depressions, named storms and hurricanes. A near-normal season has 4 or 5 tropical cyclones. 

“This year we will likely see less activity in the Central Pacific region compared to more active seasons,” said Gerry Bell, Ph.D., NOAA’s lead seasonal hurricane forecaster at the Climate Prediction Center. “Less activity is predicted since ocean temperatures are likely to be near-average in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean where hurricanes form, and because El Nino is not present to increase the activity.” 

Read more at NOAA


8/6/2020 (Permalink)

Do You Know Enough to Handle Flood Damage to Your Home in Camarillo?

Many of us who live in California consider it to be the most beautiful state in the nation. Within just a few hours we can move from the beach to the mountains, enjoying the changing landscape. Camarillo homeowners benefit from its location and proximity to cities like Los Angeles and Santa Barbara while at a slightly slower pace. However, just like its neighboring metropolis, this area is subject to damage caused by heavy rains and the rise of water levels. Preparing for the possibility of a flood is part of being a homeowner in California.
As you lay down your plans for any potential flood damage to your home in Camarillo, include SERVPRO as a resource for restoring your home. Our crew of experts is prepared to handle the toughest of emergencies, both by learning about the latest trends in the industry and by the field experience we have acquired through the years. Most importantly, we respond to your call 24/7 which is crucial in this type of emergency.  We're Faster To Any Size Disaster.
After a flood, our SERVPRO team looks at what happens to your home but also considers what is happening in your area as a whole. Working within the guidelines and regulations of your municipality is essential when we extract flood waters from your home. Whether we are using our powerful truck-mounted pumps, our submersible pumps or handheld extractors, we dispose of the residue per environmental best practices. Our Green Fleet is well aware of the bacteria, and debris flood waters bring into your home, and we react quickly to remove them and prevent further damage.
We work diligently to dry, clean and disinfect every surface of your home. Our SERVPRO staff removes belongings that cannot be salvaged. As we near the end of the process, we focus on removing any lingering odors through different techniques, including thermal fogging, which penetrates all surfaces of your home to deodorize and neutralize smells and bacteria.
Do not face flood damage alone. Call SERVPRO of Camarillo at (805) 484-5009 and let us leave your home "Like it never even happened."

Welcome to our city, just click right here.

Storms can be fire too!

8/4/2020 (Permalink)

Fire season is upon us! SERVPRO® of Camarillo is here and ready to help you if a fire storm breaks out.

wildfire in mountains east of Los Angeles that has forced thousands of people from their homes was sparked by a malfunctioning diesel vehicle, fire officials said Monday. The vehicle spewed burning carbon from its exhaust system, igniting several fires Friday on Oak Glen Road in Cherry Valley. 

The blaze began as two adjacent fires in a rural area near the city of Beaumont, about 85 miles east of downtown Los Angeles.

Flames raced along brushy ridge tops and came close to houses while firefighters attacked from the ground and air. One home and two outbuildings were destroyed, California fire officials said. No injuries were reported.

Read more:


Did you know that Flood Damage is possible in your Camarillo CA home?

6/2/2020 (Permalink)

Many of us who live in California consider it to be the most beautiful state in the nation. Within just a few hours we can move from the beach to the mountains, enjoying the changing landscape. Camarillo homeowners benefit from its location and proximity to cities like Los Angeles and Santa Barbara while at a slightly slower pace. However, just like its neighboring metropolis, this area is subject to damage caused by heavy rains and the rise of water levels. Preparing for the possibility of a flood is part of being a homeowner in California.
As you lay down your plans for any potential flood damage to your home in Camarillo, include SERVPRO® of Camarillo as a resource for restoring your home. Our crew of experts is prepared to handle the toughest of emergencies, both by learning about the latest trends in the industry and by the field experience we have acquired through the years. Most importantly, we respond to your call 24/7 which is crucial in this type of emergency.  We're Faster To Any Size Disaster.
After a flood, our SERVPRO® of Camarillo team looks at what happens to your home but also considers what is happening in your area as a whole. Working within the guidelines and regulations of your municipality is essential when we extract flood waters from your home. Whether we are using our powerful truck-mounted extractors, our submersible pumps or portable extractors, we dispose of the residual water per environmental best practices. Our Green Fleet is well aware of the bacteria, and debris flood waters bring into your home, and we react quickly to remove them and prevent further damage.
We work diligently to dry, clean and disinfect/sanitize every surface of your home. Our SERVPRO® of Camarillo IICRC Certified staff removes belongings that cannot be salvaged. As we near the end of the process, we focus on removing any lingering odors through different techniques, including thermal fogging, which penetrates all surfaces of your home to deodorize and neutralize smells and bacteria.
Do not face flood damage alone. Call SERVPRO of Camarillo at (805) 484-5009 and let us leave your home "Like it never even happened."

Welcome to our city, just click right here.

Camarillo Flooding Mitigation by SERVPRO

2/22/2020 (Permalink)

Storm Water Removal From a Camarillo Attic

Weather-related water damage is one of the most common reasons homeowners have to file an insurance claim for their property. Interior and exterior damages from wind, rain, ice, hail, and snow take up a combined 51% of claims in the United States per year, making these types of damages among the most frequent and costly. Fortunately, there is a team that is available to help you cut costs and minimize property loss.

If your Camarillo home requires attic storm water removal, IICRC-certified SERVPRO technicians are prepared to restore this integral part of your home to its preloss condition. These professionals provide fast-action extraction and cleanup services, as well as detailed documentation and invoicing, to aid you in the claims filing process after a disaster. If you require further reconstruction on your property, your local SERVPRO is licensed to provide general contracting services (#892710).

Spotting Storm Damage Without Getting On Your Roof

?    Storm damages you can see on the ground include asphalt shingle granules or pieces in your yard, clogged or leaky gutters, and exterior property damage.
?    Storm damage signs you can find in the home include visible water damage on fixtures, walls, and ceiling, water accumulation and staining in the attic, as well as water-saturated attic framing. Wet insulation is another indicator.
?    A professional roofer may look for damage to layers under the shingles. The underlayment, which provides a temporary barrier against some storm damages, is also examined. The decking that acts as the foundation of your roof can also be evaluated by a professional. Roofers also tend to look at gutters and check around chimneys for loose or missing flashing.

SERVPRO's Attic Cleanup Process
Attic cleanup can involve many different factors besides drying the wooden supports. Wet fiberglass insulation can often be cleaned, dried, and restored, but cellulose or cotton are porous organic materials that require removal to prevent the spread of mold.

If you store documents in your attic and they have been affected by rainwater, technicians can minimize damage using sublimation--that is, freezing and then drying the papers--to prevent further warping of paper of staining of spreading ink.

SERVPRO of Camarillo offers a mitigation service that is Faster to Any Size Disaster. Call (805) 484-5009 for cleanup that can begin within hours of your initial contact.

How Water Damages Structural Materials in Camarillo

1/20/2020 (Permalink)

water damaged room. carpeting pulled back from wall as SERVPRO drying equipment dries floor and drywall Flooring and drywall materials are difficult to dry. We have an abundance of tools at our disposal to dry your home.

Flood Removal Camarillo – Drying Cinder Block Walls

Water affects different materials in a variety of ways. Many consumers might assume some elements, such as cinder block walls, do not need to be examined for water penetration after a flood. Cinder block walls are slightly porous and also may contain small holes that allow the water to penetrate the cavities of the cinder blocks.

SERVPRO provides flood removal services in Camarillo and surrounding areas. After a flood, we check walls exposed to floodwaters. The surface must be disinfected and cleaned. Walls with cavities such as cinder block also need to be examined for high water or high moisture content within the wall cavities.

Removing Water and Moisture from Walls with Cavities

Walls painted with gloss or semi-gloss paint may be protected since the paint acts as a vapor barrier against water damage. If water has penetrated the wall, we may need to drill holes in the wall at the lowest point to allow the water to drain. Holes may also be drilled near the top to allow air circulation and drying. These holes are patched with mortar once SERVPRO is satisfied that moisture levels have reached normal levels.

Many block walls contain insulation, which makes it more challenging to dry. The insulation may lose some of its insulation efficiency; however, the wall can be dried using a similar process of drilling holes and then blowing air into the wall cavities. We use non-penetrating moisture meters to confirm when moisture levels have reached normal levels.

We can review the water mitigation process with clients to help in determining the best approach to drying walls after a flood.

SERVPRO is a licensed General Contractor - License:892710, California State License Board - CSLB: 892710, and can help with all of the repair and construction work. We can save our customers time to repair their building as well as the total cost.

Call SERVPRO of Camarillo at (805) 484-5009 for 24/7 service. We proudly serve Camarillo and surrounding areas. We're Faster To Any Size Disaster.

More about Camarillo.

Securing the Home at a Large Loss Recovery Property in Camarillo

8/5/2019 (Permalink)

Make sure your property is ready for storm damage if it happens. Call the professional at SERVPRO today for remediation assistance.

How To Deal With Storm Damage in Camarillo 

Violent weather events are frequently followed by large loss recovery programs to help residents get their homes back to the condition they were in before the event. Our team of local technicians is expertly trained in the restoration of residential properties after storm-related incidents. We are here to both secure the structure, stop immediate losses before then carrying out a procedure to get your home back to its best. Our emergency services incorporate on-call technicians who can arrive quickly to your property and perform vital tasks that reduce immediate losses as well as the expense of your claim. You can contact us twenty-four hours a day to begin the loss recovery procedure.

When we deal with storm damage in Camarillo, there are several stages from assessment through to the restoration of your home. You may need general contractors, remodelers, or architects to perform major surgery on your home to get it back to its pre-storm state. Temporary relocations can be frustrating for homeowners who want a restoration that is delivered on time and on budget. However, none of these vital procedures can be carried out without the first step of securing the property. 

High-winds and rushing floodwaters can break through doors, windows, or harm roof tiles. If you are away over the weekend when a storm strikes, there is a real possibility of waterlogging affecting the structural integrity of your home. SERVPRO technicians can enter your property to perform a scoping task that not only secures the property but also creates the conditions for third-party rebuilding and repair to get underway as quickly as possible, thereby reducing the length of your time away from the property.

Scoping procedure is about creating a safe space for restorers, remodelers, and builders. Security is our first concern, and we can board up broken windows or doors using sturdy barriers to prevent unauthorized access to your home and secure your possessions. We can also restore power to the property and neutralize potential hazards. Inside the property, water can be extracted or pumped out, and any infectious waste removed. An initial cleaning process can also help to slow-down, or stop, further losses. Once we have secured the site, we can arrange for contractors on your behalf to carry out the large remodeling tasks required to return your home to its preloss condition. 

Securing your property is essential to protecting your possessions and reducing your temporary relocation. Contact SERVPRO of Camarillo at (805) 484-5009 for emergency assistance.

Click here to see more about Camarillo. 

When Your Documents Become Waterlogged After Flooding in Camarillo

6/13/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO can help dry your flood damaged documents.

When Hit by a Flood Contact Local Camarillo Flood Water Extraction Services  

Living close to the coast has many benefits, but it can also put your home in need of flood water extraction services. Ocean-based storms can hit hard and cause flooding inside of your home. Whenever it comes to a storm from the ocean, always remember that you and your family's safety is paramount. 

In the case of your home, an intense storm brought intense winds and rains, which left it in critical need of Camarillo flood water extraction services. The longer excess water sits in your home, the worse it is for the structure of your house and all of your belongings inside. Fortunately for you, the flood waters got inside of your home through the window of your study and mostly stayed in one room. 

When you reach out to SERVPRO, we try our hardest to get to your home as swiftly as we are able. Additionally, our Institution of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration-certified technicians always bring advanced technology, designed to combat flood damage, with them. 

Our technicians can focus on getting the standing water out from your study first. We can use wet/dry vacuums and rover-mounted extractors to remove the water from the carpeted floor. After determining that the flood water that came into your home was not black water, SERVPRO knew that it was safe to keep the carpeted floor.  

After removing the water, we can focus on removing any documents, books, or other paper-based materials that might have been ruined by the flood waters. We can pack up everything else and send it to our facility to be dried. After removing the furniture from the room, SERVPRO can focus on making flood cuts on the walls to remove any damaged material. Furthermore, SERVPRO can use dehumidifiers and heaters to draw any excess moisture out of your study. Upon completion, SERVPRO can recommend a contractor to you who can rebuild the sections of the wall we removed. 

When a flood impacts your home, always get help right away. Speak with SERVPRO of Camarillo by phoning (805) 484-5009. Day or night, we can keep the damage away.

Read more about Camarillo.

Why Professional Remediation Services are Necessary for Flood Damage in Camarillo

3/14/2019 (Permalink)

Flooding can occur at anytime. You can trust the SERVPRO Brand to help restore your property.

Every Camarillo homeowner can relate to one another in the desire to never waste the money that they earn. As critical as professional restoration can be when disasters like flooding occur, not all of your options in this regard have your wallet in mind when it comes to returning your property to preloss condition. Every aspect of our restoration from the inspection through reconstruction and the finished product get designed to be as seamless and efficient as possible to reduce out-of-pocket expenses and wasted time.

As troublesome as the need for flood removal in your Camarillo home might be, the wrong professional restoration, or worse DIY approaches, can often be damaging to your savings as well. Our SERVPRO professionals work with the best tools and equipment in the industry to provide quality, efficient service that can get you back into your restored home quickly.

We begin with a thorough inspection of your property and share our findings with you to show you what your home needs. Our honest and fair evaluation of your home can help you appreciate what your house needs to get back to preloss condition. We can even work alongside your insurance provider to ensure that damage claims filed can get approved quickly by providing the adjuster with the necessary documentation and evidence of the damage your property has sustained.

Much of our success in the area comes from our fast response to emergencies with the equipment that can make a difference quickly for your home. We have many levels of water extraction equipment from our extractor trucks to portable electric sump pumps to ensure that all areas of your home get efficient water removal efforts immediately. We also have licensed contractors to oversee controlled demolition and material removal to make the reconstruction to come seamless and fast.

You cannot predict when disasters like a flood can occur in your home but knowing who should restore the effects can save you time and money. Our SERVPRO of Camarillo rapid response team is available 24/7 by calling (805) 484-5009.

Click here for more on Camarillo.

Camarillo Property Owners Trust SERVPRO for Storm Damage Mitigation

2/6/2019 (Permalink)

Camarillo Homes, Flooding, and SERVPRO to the Rescue

Water Extraction for Your Flooded Home in Camarillo

When local storms have caused flooding, and the floodwaters have invaded your home, it can be very disconcerting and stressful. To get your home back its preloss condition as soon as possible and avoid additional damage, you want the help of a professional remediation company.

Our expertly trained staff at SERVPRO® can perform professional extraction for your flooded Camarillo home. We know all the preservation techniques and safety procedures to make the entire process efficient and safe for everyone involved. Plus, our prompt response to your emergency helps us to avoid additional damage to the structure of your home, your contents, and avoid mold growth.

Upon arrival, we can assess the situation and quickly take note of any damaged areas in your home so we can determine the best course of action and also provide an estimate. We then can begin pumping the standing water out with truck-mounted pumps so that we can dry your home out. The longer the water remains, the more time-consuming and costlier the process can be to restore your home, so we do not hesitate to get started.

Our SERVPRO estimator can interface with you and your insurance company to expedite the paperwork and develop an accurate budget for the work to be completed professionally. We want you to be able to focus on yourself and your family while we take care of the hard stuff. Take the time to eat well, get sleep, and be grateful for your health. Your belongings can be replaced, but people cannot. We understand and are also live in this community.

SERVPRO of Camarillo takes pride in the care we take in restoring your home. We also want to make the process as easy for you as we can, so reach out to us at (805) 484-5009 as soon as the storm subsides.

More about this area by clicking here

A Comprehensive Look At Flood Damages In Your Camarillo Home

9/18/2018 (Permalink)

Flood damages might seem straightforward in the way that water penetrates into your home, but it is rarely as simple as that.

A Comprehensive Look At Flood Damage

Natural disasters might not be all that uncommon to Camarillo residents, but surprisingly, many still do not fully know what to expect in certain emergency situations. In instances of widespread flooding, many houses could get affected simultaneously around you, leaving you and many of your neighbors learning firsthand what a destructive force rising water can be.

Flood damages might seem straightforward in the way that water penetrates into your Camarillo home, but it is rarely as simple as that. While the rising waters throughout the lower levels of your home might prove challenging enough to overcome to even experienced professional restoration outfits like our SERVPRO technicians, many other effects and considerations make restoring flood damages a significant challenge for even highly trained individuals.

One of the initial things that you have to consider when you contend with water rushing into your home from the outside is the source. While in many cases rising bodies of water like creeks and streams can attribute to flooding in lower lying areas, you might also deal with situations like flash flooding and runoff through hazardous areas. The first of these scenarios often brings considerable mud and debris into your home along with the water, requiring extensive cleaning of carpets and materials once water has gotten extracted and the area dried.

Contaminants are rarely something that you can instantly see, but they can adversely affect your family working to clean up the areas of your home affected by the flooding on their own. Our SERVPRO team gets trained to identify potentially hazardous conditions like these to ensure that the right precautions get taken throughout the restoration process and that your home is contaminant-free once these steps complete.

Few things could occur to your house that is more destructive than a flood could be. With often little warning to prepare for this situation, the best thing that you can do is to have a plan in place to restore the damage if it ever affects you directly. Trust our SERVPRO of Camarillo rapid response team to arrive quickly and work efficiently to restore your home. You can reach our emergency team anytime at (805) 484-5009.

Click here for more about Camarillo.

Evacuations issued as largest storm of season heads toward Ventura County, Thomas Fire area

3/20/2018 (Permalink)


Authorities issued evacuations for communities throughout the Thomas Fire burn scar as what could be the biggest storm of the season heads toward Ventura and Santa Barbara counties.

The storm is expected to reach Ventura County on Tuesday afternoon or evening.

The forecast calls for heavy rain Wednesday and Thursday. The worst of the it seemed headed toward Santa Barbara and Ventura counties, where the recent Thomas Fireburned 440 square miles.

The blaze left miles of scorched and bare hillsides vulnerable to debris flows and flooding.

“These are the areas we know already are very vulnerable during intense precipitation,” said Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at UCLA. “But this also, unfortunately, happens to be the region that looks like it will be hardest hit by this storm.”"

Read more at Evacuations issued as largest storm of season heads toward Ventura County, Thomas Fire area

Big rain coming! Check out these tips from VCFD

3/19/2018 (Permalink)


In anticipation of the forecasted rainy weather, Ventura County public safety agencies are encouraging people to prepare. 

Residents living in, and around Thomas Fire burn areas or near flood-prone areas, need to prepare for this storm as well as the rest of the rainy season. Plan ahead by signing up to receive mobile emergency text alerts at www.VCAlert.org and taking the following additional steps: 


  • Sign-up to receive “VC Alert” mobile messages by contacting VC Alert Hotline at (805) 648-9283 or visiting www.vcalert.org. Subscribers will receive emergency notifications such as evacuation notices specific to their neighborhood.
  • Make a supply kit for your home and car - flashlight, water, food, personal medical supplies, filled prescriptions and a charged smartphone with internet access in case local roads are temporarily closed.
  • Download a “Ready, Set, Go!” flood preparation plan and follow its guidance. For information inEspañol, click here.

Read more at Tips: Ready for Rain

The Worst 5 Things You Can Do When Threatened By Mudslides

3/8/2018 (Permalink)

Recently, Southern California has been being hit by a spate of deadly mudslides. Video available online shows rivers of mud careening down streets, carrying cars along in the flow. Twenty people have been confirmed killed and 28 injured, with 8 more people unaccounted for at the time of this writing.

While not on the top of most people’s disaster risk checklist, mudslides are extremely dangerous. We can see that by looking at what is happening in California. But as mudslides go, these have been rather minor. In 2010, a mudslide swallowed an entire town of 300 homes in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, as people slept in their beds.

Rescue efforts were hampered by damage to the roads, which had to be cleared before workers could get to the town.

Read more at The Worst 5 Things You Can Do When Threatened By Mudslides

Water Damage Restoration Tips Hurricane Victims Often Miss

9/15/2017 (Permalink)

In the wake of Hurricanes Irma and Harvey, many homeowners are struggling to get up to speed on water damage restoration—the process it takes to repair a home that's endured a flood or other water-related problems.

Even at the minor level of a leaky roof or burst pipe, water damage can easily hit homeowners with bills amounting to several thousand dollars—and with a hurricane, that number can skyrocket. All told, estimates from AccuWeather put the damage from Irma at more than $100 billion, and Harvey at $190 billion, which makes summer 2017 the costliest weather disaster season in U.S. history.


The good news: Water damage restoration is typically covered by insurance—be it flood insurance or a basic homeowners policy. According to the Insurance Information Institute, water damage makes up about 20% of all insurance claims in the U.S.

Read more at Water Damage Restoration Tips Hurricane Victims Often Miss

Storm-lashed roads, dams could cost $1B to fix

2/28/2017 (Permalink)

"FRESNO - The bill to repair California's crumbling roads, dams and other critical infrastructure hammered by an onslaught of storms this winter could top $1 billion, including nearly $600 million alone for damaged roadways that more than doubles what the state budgeted for road repair emergencies, officials said Friday.

Adding to the problems, many communities have drained their emergency budgets and are looking to the state and federal government for help. But on top of the latest damage, the nation's most populated state is struggling with a $6 billion annual backlog of repairs for roads, highways and bridges that leaders can't agree on a way to fund.


Winter storms have dumped enough rain and snow on the northern part of the state to end a five-year drought. But with the wet weather, comes a host of problems for crumbling infrastructure"


Read more at Storm-lashed roads, dams could cost $1B to fix

More rain coming for Camarillo

2/6/2017 (Permalink)

"Two separate storm systems will hit Ventura County on Monday, according to the National Weather Service.

The first storm began overnight and is expected to last through Monday afternoon, said Carol Smith, a meteorologist with the weather service in Oxnard. The second storm will begin Monday evening and continue with scattered showers through Tuesday.

According to Smith, the first storm will bring half an inch to an inch of rainfall to coastal plains and valleys, and an inch to 1.5 inches to the mountains. Snow levels are expected to stay above 7,500 feet due to higher temperatures, she said.

The weather service estimates the second storm will bring about a quarter of an inch of rainfall by Wednesday morning, bringing a total of three-quarters of an inch to 1.75 inches over the next few days."


Read more at Two storms to hit Ventura County by Wednesday

Camarillo coping with huge weekend storm

1/23/2017 (Permalink)


The third in a series of storms to hit the county caused flooding and road closures, stranded motorists and prompted a voluntary evacuation order for Camarillo Springs Sunday morning.

The rain, which tapered off by Sunday evening, was forecast to continue into Monday night with a chance of thunderstorms, according to Stuart Seto, a weather specialist with the National Weather Service in Oxnard.

On Sunday morning, a total of 161 homes in Camarillo Spring's Divisions A, B, C and D were placed on a voluntary evacuation order by officials from the Ventura County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services, but it was lifted by 4:30 p.m.

While Sunday's non-stop heavy downpour left a couple motorists stranded, there was no significant debris or mudflow at the Camarillo Springs neighborhood, said Kevin McGowan, county Sheriff's OES manager."

Read more at More rain and thunderstorms to continue into Monday


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